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Everything posted by monstabubba

  1. ... i can kind of side with dandon because in the years of minneapolis shows I went to, I was always excited to see if they had a new layout but no... the same, boring , roundy round... I liked it better when they started in the center and went to the outside of the track... more fun to watch what they did in fs when they had a table top in the center.... As for the world finals, It has the same hook shape race for the most part.... not that they could do much else, but atleast change some materials.... put sand in corners, or something to make it more interesting... FS wise... Change the jump layout... maybe put a jump in the center of the stadium... not towards a end of a stadium.... 1 backflip container, maybe a airplane jump or boat? Just make it Interesting.... Im kind of bored with the world finals because it always seems to be the same layout. / end rant type thing
  2. what is the point of having such a big motor when you cant drive it...? how do they even see anything when they are driving?
  3. unless those are just there parting the pictures
  4. the way he worded that just made me think of this song... >.>
  5. you all assume i am but I am not... i just pointed it out randomly...
  6. Not sure if referring to King Krunch or Keystone Krusher....
  7. yeah, it would be awesome to see what he could do though if he didn't have to worry about destroying the truck and paying for it. EDIT: 420th post... :/
  8. Actually I would not mind seeing what he would do with a FELD backed truck... no cares to protect the body or anything... go all out in fs
  9. ... one suggestion, higher resolution and it would be perfect... but like you said... short time frame Good job everyone
  10. sometimes i like to play goalie in eashl and be the "aggresive goalie" just to have some fun But yeah... I have recently gotten hooked on HUT and I saw there was no thread yet for nhl14/nhl
  11. I recently just got into the nhl series on xbox, and was wondering: What is the best card you have pulled from a pack? On my first gold pack ever, I got a 88 overall Phil Kessel and sold him for 18k
  12. What next... Scooby Doo? watch out Nicole your job may be at stake XD
  13. lol... Rod Woof .... and it just so happens he drives McGruff XD
  14. getting a BCRDShaft.mesh is missing error.
  15. I can see that except coty winning...
  16. that tie... it is... horrible guess it was casual tie day when the truck was made
  17. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SyAJk1Ja_4 ...yus
  18. gald to see updates on all of these awesome projects, keep it up
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