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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. who cares the "public" servers are full of dickholes (and moderated by them too) that like to hide behind anominity and pretend they are hot shit. learn how to host your own private server.
  2. bleh three times redoing the body side, kinda happy the way it is now:
  3. tom will fit it onto his willman, still plenty of time to transfer it over. they just used the chassis to showcase it (I am assuming its the old Airforce Afterburner)
  4. here is a link to the website, company is called Dneproshina and the tire model is called Ecoworks http://translate.google.ca/translate?hl=en&sl=ru&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.dneproshina.dp.ua%2F&ei=HoSwT-zNNsiUiAe5-_T7DA&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CGQQ7gEwAA&prev=%2Fsearch%3Fq%3DDNEPROSHINA%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1440%26bih%3D775%26prmd%3Dimvns
  5. you can message a staff member on here if you like. While we appreciate the concern its gonna be hard to track down every single member of this site and investigate whether they have the pack or not.
  6. Cali Kid will probably not have a hood but may or may not have the grill. not sure yet
  7. for all you coal rollin lovers out there: Buckethead gets credit for the skin, roach for lining things up and putting coilovers on it. It will have the same power settings as all of the other trucks but it will have a diesel engine sound and with LF's help it will roll coal
  8. i posted this in a skype call last night, might aswell post this here then:
  9. Most of the people right now posting videos of it are already banned and have no way of coming back onto this site. its not like before on the old board. software upgrades have helped solve most of that.
  10. its fine, we should have learned from world finals 12 but being two months past our "deadline" has made these idiots impatient. As for the person we already know who it was that took over several AIM, skype and SM accounts. Having the same password for everything makes it very easy for someone to access lots of things in your life. We already know who the person is, his home address, IP, his parents names and are now dealing with it accordingly. Its a slow process but at the end result will more then likely be his internet service provider removing his connection. Staff have had several people come forward saying they were sent the pack, while we appreciate the heads up it is a bit hypocritical to do so as most of these people are in turn keeping the pack anyway's. It doesnt help that there are alot of butt hurt kiddies that have been removed from this site and are still trying to get "revenge" by spreading this pack around. We dont care so much about the "followers", more or less about the main person, who must be unaware that in the USA it is illegal to breach into peoples private information, but will soon be learning that lesson. A heads up though, if you are caught with the pack or attempting to distribute it and have an active account on this site, you are playing with the possibility of being removed from here. If the prospect of having to play with said losers who have already been banned is appealing vs being on the only productive outlet for MT mod in ROR (at this time) for a 1/3 finished pack, then be my guest.
  11. yet another banned loser, oh wellz.
  12. his name is not simon its Griffin Heffington, aka teammeents12. this kid has been around for a while and has been nothing more then a pain the the backside since he came along our path
  13. regardless we appreciate the people on here that actually have some self control and standards
  14. Wolfson has nothing to do with this leak, he is just an easy scapegoat for everyone
  15. take your draw distance down to minimum, that should help. basically its the game slowing down trying to calculate all the trucks on screen and it isnt so much a graphics issue as a processing one
  16. so far it appears he has rock's SUD and only that. we will only know if he has the full pack if he posts another video with a different truck.
  17. the foolish part is the people that attempt to impersonate act so robotic in responses like we dont catch on to what certain people say or act. like we all just met, most of us that came from the mtm2 scene have known each other for YEARS and even the newer people of ROR that are helping advance the game talk among the other people helping frequently on another chat client so when you coming blabbin to me and I am actually talking physically to that person over my computer its pretty easy to figure whats going on
  18. Some or none of you now that yesterday Bayco's AIM was taken over in a lame attempt to get access to some beta files. Today I messaged by the same kid that has taken Mark Colineri's AIM over, again using the same sob story about HD being wiped. I am passing along this to everyone to beef up your AIM passwords now and to the person who's doing this (we already know who you are, where you live and your ISP) you will be dealt with very shortly. Cheers.
  19. Monster Truck Bloopers 2 /thread
  20. love the racing they have in norway, would love to see it hit north america sometime
  21. hello and welcome to the site, first off there are a few things I would like to address before I help you. 1) this post should have been made in the help/support forum section (I have moved it) and not the ROR/monster truck forum area 2) your first 5 posts are pertaining to this issue and not even a introduction or a Hi I am new to the forum, it might not seem like alot but right away long time users here see this and will answer/respond with abruptness, most of the time leaving more questions then answers. on top of that you made an account at 8:40pm and made those posts in less then a hour. the more you self bump your own threads the less chance someone is going to go out of their way to help you. being impatient will get you no where 3) using text talk/abbreviating everything, while it is the norm now in todays society it also projects a bad image for people that use it as young, immature and lazy individuals. now as for making the packs work is very simple, you have to download the said pack, then you must locate where the ROR folder installed on your computer. generally you can click start, documents and it should be in there. you then go into the ROR folder and proceed to put the pack into the Packs folder. when you boot up ROR and go to play it the game should auto clear/regen cache to pick up the new things you put into the game folders and should display these tracks or trucks when it asks you to select said items.
  22. just further proof that what you read on the internet is not always true
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