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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. isnt it grand when you answer your own question?
  2. well that is the trade off, now everyone gets a chance to attend and race but now there is the chance of now shows. I know there is people that skip out on qualify in events when they make the field.
  3. I appreciate your concern Matt but there is nothing really wrong with any of the posts. @ MonsterJam1234 aslong as none of the "elite" drivers pick Wolverine its free game to anyone that signs up in in first when Season 3 sign ups open. I however doubt it will be available I can see a few people on the elite list taking it. @ boombaby your enthusiasm is good, I am unsure if you know MonsterJam1234 and are just ribbing with him or whatever your reason is. I think it would be better reserved for when season 3 actually gets underway lets get back on track here guys ------->
  4. I lol'ed at Elite driver 11, kinda hard for him to run when he is banned. but ya there is gonna be alot of bugs to work out with this system, I think that it would make it easier to figure out how many events for sure are gonna happen and how many events people are allowed to book themselves into. remembering the mtm2 days the only flaw with booking systems is people that no show. atleast with qualifying in if you dont want to race you dont have to make a qualifying attempt.
  5. Digger from the Skyreach center, edmonton, alberta, canada 2001
  6. nope Chad Fortune and Madusa deserve a chance to do nothing once again at a WF's
  7. I am just playing Micheal, I know full well what people are going to do with my chassis's once I put them up for public download. just trying to humble some people and make them realize they are arguing over things that are kinda pointless IMO.
  8. it wont matter as V4 pack will have it, and Klayton/Micheal, you never asked my permission to use MY chassis so ya
  9. Rick is a hell of a driver, he is known more of a racer then a FS'er. That being said he shows up and runs his truck. I may also mention he has a regular event racing win like Chad this year so uh ya
  10. You realize monster jam is a you get paid to show up correct? you dont get paid for tearing your stuff up, but if you dont beat your truck your not going to make any fans. its a cache 22 with serious complications. when you hear drivers make those speeches about "tearing up the truck for the fans" its not only to make fans, its the truth. I lol'ed at your team scream comment, pristine condition? riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. Jimmy Creten and Steve Simms can afford to have top notch things because they have outside business's that allow them to afford the best and enjoy the sport. If you want to know how SIR runs four trucks ask Branden Lagarde about it, he can tell you exactly whats it like (I know he was playing with the idea of writing a book). The reason people run with MJ is because its a guarantee pay cheque and nothing more.
  11. all we can hope is when the people in power move on someone with half a brain takes over.
  12. no offense but have you been living under a rock? Chad has bombed the WF's for years and just because he has had a half decent season (1 racing win) does not make up for the fact he is a no show when it counts. there are several other people that deserve to be there, Migues, Zimmer, Elliot, hell even Darron Basel, Epindedio and Vaters have more wins then Chad. He, along with Madusa need to step aside and let some new blood get a shot at making a name rather then recycling the same garbage year in and out.
  13. we dont want you to play with us anyways
  14. well depends on your definition of "biggest", biggest in terms of truck damage? then curse wf10 or paukens in escalde. biggest in terms of driver being hurt there have been a few really bad ones that have knocked out drivers, broken shoulder's and wrists.
  15. Name: Sexy Beast Gamertag: DevestatinGirth
  16. nothing against Daniel's sounds but how do you know what were are going to be using in the V4 pack?
  17. the post above it shows what body is going on it
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