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Everything posted by Outlawed

  1. Outlawed


    Things have slowed right down because of people helping with the pack focusing on school finals and real life. Not to mention that yet again a important person has left us scrambling to catch up on paints, bodies and tracks after going MIA like last year.
  2. or you could just learn how to host a private server so you can keep the idiots out
  3. Outlawed


    its in the V4 pack
  4. I would upvote those Klayton but sadly I dont have a up vote button no moar
  5. the sad part is that most of the people that are doing that are probably already banned
  6. Outlawed


    stop asking on this site for something the original creator never released
  7. no there is a reason why he never released them.
  8. touch too much reverb when leaving it at the redline, but the rest of the sound spectrum sounds good
  9. further proof we cant have nice things around here
  10. Natural High is now Fired up (frame which I made and did send to you)
  11. pretty nice but I am not to particular to the stampede underpinnings
  12. yep they are scaled to i believe 44's need to be upped to 54
  13. that is the old activision chassis model we used to use. the reason it is named like that is for the truck file when putting trucks together.
  14. its too late for that now, its sad because now a sport that fought for legitimacy is shooting itself in the foot and going back in the direction of "circus act"
  15. na the truck I am making says on the rear fender "crawling is for babies"
  16. welp did some mocking up and surprisingly everything lines up. have to make mounts for everything now
  17. anyone that reads or watches the Four Wheeler Top Truck Challenge might recognize this truck. If not, Phillip McGilton ran this truck in 2007: Fullsize rig made badass to the max.
  18. yayz I wont be home in time to sign up, oh well, hope the event goes well
  19. thats what the rollcage is for
  20. just plan mean that pinto is, sadly it doesnt not explode when rear ended
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