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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. 4 hours ago, iZonarYT said:

    How do you specifically know that the dirt in Tampa is the same as Sunrise? Yeah the color might be similar but the dirt content could be completely different resulting in a much better compound on the track? Or maybe their experimenting with ways to keep the sand levels down by spraying the course more often with water? Feld is human too, and they arnt perfect so cut them some slack man. It's a company, the company's gonna do what they need to do  to save money. End of story.

    corporations are not human, they are money hungry entities.

    • Upvote 1
  2. 7 hours ago, MarcosCManny said:

    Suppose to be like this



    that is just the lighting making it look like that. if you look at the beadlock color in the photo you can see it is the same color as the frame where as your ingame photos show it being brighter.;)

  3. 11 hours ago, racingrichardYT said:

    Im brand new to this. Should i just message you.

    what are you seeking clarification for?

    3 hours ago, Irishbulldog422 said:

    With me being a total idiot when it comes to editing truck files, if i were to send my truck to you would you be willing to make the necessary changes, i understand you are probably very busy with real life so if not its totally ok 

    Either way it has to be checked by me, so if you are unsure or unable to make the changes you can leave it for me to do.

  4. 1 hour ago, Mr. Self Destruct said:

    My truck currently has 711 beams instead of the normal 703 or 707, mainly due to running double tie rods. Is this okay? Everything else is stock v4 as I'm using Blaise's SUD as source material.

    Edited my post as I forgot to add that, gotta be Box5's original node/beam structure with no alterations.

  5. Been meaning to make this post for a while now, as some were wondering Season 4 starting in April/May unfortunately did not happen. I held off from making anything official (with things were up in the air for myself) but with it creeping into summer time I realized that it would better for me to run SMRA at the start of Winter. So as of now I am aiming to start SMRA back up at the end of October/beginning of November! I believe this will be better for the majority of racers and it will give a chance for new comers to get their trucks ready and approved for the upcoming season!

    For those that are new to the site or have never run SMRA, this league on the surface is like any other but SMRA has a twist in that you are required drive realistically while keeping track of your travel and damage costs.
    Returning competitors will be glad to know that Season 4 will not have have any drastic changes (as most of those occurred last year) but for those looking to possible participate this up coming year, please take note:

    -SMRA uses ROR version 4.6 for it's events!
    Download link for ROR 0.4.6 can be found here

    -Your truck must have a "stock" node/beam structure from a default V4 truck! If you are unsure if your truck is legal or not, feel free to message me. Either way, I manually check each truck file before you are allowed to participate. 

    -Your trucks are required to be standalone! This means that you will have to compile all of the necessary mesh and texture files into your zip. You will also  need to add these files to your zip aswell. http://www.mediafire.com/download/6j9cj0lbx1hwz14/Flare+and+White+Wheel+Fix.zip

    -There will also be some minor truck file revisions that are mandatory for you to run in the upcoming year. (link below)

    If you ran last year your truck is legal. If you are new, you will need to contact me on here and I will add the changes for you. You are required to upload your truck on to the site with the revisions or you will not be running. And do not think you can circumvent the changes because if deemed you are running different settings to gain an advantage, you will be found out thanks to changing ROR versions ;)

    -SMRA uses a schedule/booking system. You are not required to qualify into a event, you show up and participate! I try to be as accommodating as possible for everyone while keeping the lineups as fair as humanly possible!

    Season 4's schedule will be comprised of a East/West fairground series, with the finale being held at Charlotte Motorspeedway! A returning team/driver and new driver sign up threads will be posted around the start of September but I do urge people to get your trucks ready as early as possible so I do not have to sift through a bunch of trucks the night before the season starts!


    Houston, TX 
    Pueblo, Colorado 
    Salinas, CA
    Chico, CA 
    Edmonton, Canada
    Eagen, MN 
    Springfield, MI
    Nashville TN

    Mount Pleasent, MI
    West Lebanon, NY 
    Stafford Springs, CT 
    West Lampeter, PA 
    Gaithersburg, MD 
    Virgina Beach, VA
    Fayetteville, NC 
    Ocala, FL 

    World Finals
    Charlotte Motorspeedway, NC


    Any questions or concerns please feel free to ask!

    • Upvote 4
  6. 1 hour ago, PaukenDigger said:

    yes it is still a wip but do you mean like how the shock irl is where the sides are different hight on the shock ?

    I believe he is referring to the actual models themselves, MOD has a top accumulator with a bottom accumulator, not the FELD style with restrict blocks. Looks good otherwise!

    • Upvote 1
  7. 18 hours ago, rockgod88 said:

    Back when I made 14 I did not know about the chassis, ppl just said chassis is wrong without actually telling me what was wrong, so you can blame yourself for that, but the Red GD is an add on for GD 14 and uses the same chassis mesh. the blue thunder is a gen 2, but in the PEI pack there is also a Gen 1 version. (Tony's)


    No it sounds like you are lazy, not that hard to ask around or god forbid, doing some research yourself. Your Farrell version of Blue Thunder is still incorrect.

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