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Posts posted by Outlawed

  1. 2 hours ago, iZonarYT said:

    The CRD is definitely an interesting look, but its not terrible. I could see some interesting builds with that chassis.

    Oh it is terrible, do not kid yourself there. The cab is fitted for a specific body that is super obscure (not going to ruin the surprise for the person building it)

  2. Was able to get blender working on my new HD and windows install, started small to back into modelling "shape"
    new set of shocks for the rig

    and did up a front engine CRD for someone as a favor, the good news is I was able to save my chassis pack aswell so that should be out within a month after I sort out FELD's musical chassis chairs

    • Upvote 6
  3. The world keeps turnin', people keep bitching about freestyle scores. Was Neil's run better overall? Absolutely, but take a step back, lets just appreciate how difficult what Lee did was and the one in a million chance of it happening again as perfectly as it did. The guy put himself and his equipment in an extremely dangerous situation to entertain everyone watching. I mean for crying outloud, look at how freaking viral it went...
    This instance of one move defining a winning run was a special circumstance. 

    • Upvote 3
  4. If you are going to win due to one thing in your run, make sure it is something that everyone will remember for years to come. I believe Neil should have won overall (both he and Kohler were scored correctly) but what Lee did was insane, there is so much that could have caused it to go wrong and he managed to make it look like anyone could have done it. He won.

    • Upvote 1
  5. 33 minutes ago, bottenator said:

    2 questions for those who have been to the world finals before or may know... 

    For Double Down ticket holders, is the qualifying on Thursday as well/do we have access to see it? 

    How thoroughly do they check bags? I'm going to try and sneak one of my good lenses in. In the past at my hometown show I just put in in the bottom of my backpack in it's case, and put a sweater on top, I tell them it's just my water bottle and ear protection. If security isn't anal about going through backpacks I should be ok. 

    If you have purchased DD tickets you have access to Sam Boyd for the whole day (you need to have your DD lanyard with you) Thursday. As for bag checks, I have taken a T3i rebel with a 55-250mm zoom lense for the past 4 years (will not be bringing it with me this year). They have always checked my bags before going into the stadium each day the seating opened up but there has never been anything said to me about the camera or the lense. I am not going to claim you will not have an issue at all, but I would recommend not lying, security people do not like that.

    • Upvote 2
  6. Jim re braced the cradle after it basically ripped out a few years ago in Vegas (the year he ran the purple chrome body, I think 3 years?) The new one mimics the low CG chassis rummell came up with. Brutus is a Racesource and Wrecking Crew is a even further outdated Kohler design.

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