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Everything posted by NtheDiggerfan

  1. My first time cloning. Anyone know why this happened and how to fix it? Progress is slowing now... Also, I love the work you've been putting out recently. Keep it up. @leggster
  2. Hey Guys. I'm looking for someone with a knowledge of cloning and props to help me with my repli-custom GDTLegend. PM me if you are interested. You will of course get credit in the final posting. Thanks.
  3. Just a quick mock up with a different flag. If anyone has the world finals 16 competitor flag, please send it. Thanks. If anyone has the world finals 16 competitor flag, please send it, as every year the truck competed in the WF he ran the flag. Thanks
  4. Hey @Hagan Moskau. Thanks for the critiquing. Unfortunately, I'm trying my best, and really put a lot of effort into the paint, not so much the chassis due to me having zero knowledge of how to do anything you stated. I wish someone could lend a helping hand. However, i will attempt to fix those issues. I might just upload it as a repli-custom.
  5. As stated, the version shown is a custom depicting what I think it would look like running today. A replica will be included with BKTs and Goodyears.
  6. Forgot about the rims! Thanks MJfan
  7. It's gonna be a pack. There will be a replica version, and a few others. This is the version that i made if it was running now in 2018.
  8. Hey guys. In the wake of all the controversy, let's lighten the mood by showing off the final project. Being sent to testers after going through the cloning process (if you know how to clone your assistance would be greatly appreciated). Check it out! There will be a version with Adam's name above the door (you can choose BKT's or Goodyears) and a 2018 version with no name. Enjoy! https://imgur.com/a/ituO37b https://imgur.com/a/uSufmRk https://imgur.com/a/uDNhX2H https://imgur.com/a/pIyynSD https://imgur.com/a/ylGfZSU
  9. Thank you. Easiest solution here. Everyone is literally so worked up. Also sums it up perfectly. I have no idea where this is coming from. Great Job AB, my only thing I would add is maybe making both color schemes that were ran on the track like black and blue or black and purple that you can select when loading in. That would be cool. Just make sure you give credit. Keep being awesome and getting things out here for the community. Dont let anyone bring you down or tell you otherwise.
  10. This is exactly what I stand for 100%, thanks Andrew. However, I'm talking about everyone's.... Lovely... attitudes. Not to be addressed here, has been addressed before. Ignore that top part if it doesnt pertain to you. Yes @ABgamerX, this is a replica, and I will release more side pics when I can show them. I'm currently still working on them, and they arent fully ready to be shown yet. Excited to put my first real project out there (may come in a pack with my other unreleased trucks like Jurassic Park and others).
  11. Just gonna ignore that. Not what I meant at all. I'm talking about everyone taking things so seriously, a completely separate issue this site really suffers from. It's OK though, keep stepping on MY toes... Anyway.... After a few hours of work, the WIP version is ready. If anyone wants to test it, PM me. Should be out soon. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413030778633715713/473662277019500547/screenshot_2018-07-30_21-21-02_2.jpg (pondering weather or not to put "Weston Anderson" on the door bc when he finally drives a MJ truck I think it's gonna be the Legend) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413030778633715713/473662256429793300/screenshot_2018-07-30_21-20-54_1.jpg
  12. This is the point I've been trying to make for months. Also l, Joey, I would keep the wood paneling on the side. That was the best part.
  13. Hey guys, does anyone have an image of the back of the new Bad News (it looks like the declaration of independance) or an actual decal itself? Thanks
  14. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/413030419429064708/472780613842239489/screenshot_2018-07-28_10-59-45_1.jpg Happens when i spawn a truck now. I have no idea why.
  15. Do any of you Beam fans have the addon pack for the 1.14 crd truck?
  16. Ok thanks @Monsterjamfan27. Can the Beam NG trucks be used in RoR?
  17. Hey guys. I just got beam NG, and have seen people with Monster Jam tracks and trucks. Does anyone know where i can download them? Thanks.
    Great job as always Florida Boy!
  18. Ok, when I go back to photoshop to start the final draft I'll photoshop them out. Thanks.
  19. Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you the crappiest mock up of the Kraken truck. This took 30 minutes, but I hope y'all can get a feel for what the finished project. Would you guys be interested? Back to Photo Shop!
  20. Can I ask what the heck happened to the concept scheme with the 3D Kraken and the rusty metal body? Ummmmm this looks terrible. Love the green chassis pieces on the new jester tho.
  21. Sorry my bad on the number. But even a different scheme digger? I was wanting the one from WF16
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