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Everything posted by NtheDiggerfan

  1. I mean ALL the Feld trucks being given diesels. Wouldn't be the same. I like diesel, hell my truck is a diesel F250, I just don't like them in Monster Trucks.
  2. Ewwww I dont want them all to become Diesel. The sound, smell, and just atmosphere would be gone. Really hope they cant figure ik t iut or just decide not to go that route.
  3. It's been made by @PaukenDigger, and it looks amazing. Its private though, and very few have it.
    You did it again AB. Just amazing! Jumps could be a little smoother and less steep, but great first try!
  4. Hey all. I literally haven't loaded any new mods in but my sound is gone... Don't know what the heck happened. Just working one time, now it isn't. Any help?
  5. Took the words out of my mouth. Both are really at fault here a bit. Mikey has enough years under his belt to know that in those conditions there is no way to make a turn like that, ESPECIALLY that close to a crowd. I think he needs to pump the breaks a little in the indy shows. The promoter should've seen the conditions and called it, or moved the seating area there. No one should be sitting there no matter what condition. Also, never should've run on wet grass. A disaster on both sides, and unfair to the OE team anand Mikey. Sad.
  6. Thanks man, really want that to be what i do with my life, maybe journalism. Love to write about what i love. This was writtern quick too. Maybe we can start a thread here having long written out discussions. The dirt combo is wierd, i grabbed some and put it in my backpack. It's in a jar on my nightstand now xD. Not only for the Kane team, but literally for everyone. It kind of felt uncoordinated, but still better than last year. I give it probably an 8.5/10 if last year was a solid 7.5. I wish we could have maybe an outdoor triple threat show here in the Tampa area with all the great venues we have. (sorry for double post)
  7. Yeah, Amalie is really nice. Didn't really think about that donut connection lol.
  8. Immediately drops dead, seizes on floor. @Andrew is KILLING IT! HOLY CRAP!
  9. I know on the old logo drive there was the ghost and the words Bad To The Bone that are on the roof of the Digger Trucks. Does anyone still have them? I'm working on a project and need them. Thanks.
  10. Just a few Pictures from yesterday's show: Disclaimer: The videos below do not belong to me.
  11. Name: Triple Threat Tampa 2018 Venue: Amalie Arena, Tampa FL. Racing Style: Paperclip Replica or Custom: Replica Date Ran: August 25, 2018 Images/Graphics: Other details: At Amalie Arena, please include Racing, 2 Wheels, and Freestyle. Note that Banners are the same on the opposite side.
  12. Official Tampa Triple Threat results and thoughts: 1 P.M. (sold out)- The lesser of the two shows for me, but still an improvement on last year. Pit party was a ton of fun, and show was pretty solid. Scooby blew a motor in intros, so that was a bummer. Meg popped a tire early on, but was ready for donuts. Racing was won by Tyler Menninga with a 9 second run. He was extremely solid tonight. Two Wheels and Freestyle were also taken by Menninga. Quads were dominated by Colton Eichelberger (pretty norm now), and Speedsters was won by Zombie and Bari (bad weekend for this guy sadly). Freestyle was pretty tame, but Colton and Tyler really shined here. Tyler was able to park it on the nose, and sat still for 20 seconds solid. Colton got a cross pad moonwalk. Tyler had better flow, and took the win. (On a side note, Jack Brown is the Bad Luck Brian of Monster Jam. Myranda Cozad is a close second.) Overall Event was won by Tony Ochs (his first EVER, very surprising). Overall, a fun show, but plagued with a few bad breaks and some forgettable runs. 7 P.M. (sold out)- This show was everything I'd hoped it would be. Entertaining, close races and competition, spectacular moves, and an edge of your seat sense the 1 o'clock was missing. Started with a racing win from Tony Ochs (everyone either screwed up the paper clip style course or was just slow AF.) Jack Brown didnt make it to race. Two wheels was taken by Menninga in SPECTACULAR fashion with two nose wheelies/moonwalks and a CRAZY WHEELIE that he settled on the tailgate mid-pad. Scooby Doo wrecked, and Jack Brown didnt make it back. Atvs was won AGAIN by Colton, with a rematch of the 1 o'clock show final (Megaladon and Max D). In Speedsters, Tyler took it over Jack Brown who made it in only due to a lane violation by Megaladon. A wicked crash from Colton in the Speedster races won the 1-800-Ask-Gary crash of the night. In donuts, Myranda Cozad somehow won Donuts with only 1 and a half rotations that were slow as hell. Colton got in 10 or 12 and they were cyclones, with about 3 on 2 wheels. But who am I to judge... Also, Jack Brown (Bad Luck Brian) couldnt get the truck a foot without it shutting off. Freestyle was siezed by Tyler again, with an AMAZING save and some moonwalks. Miranda came out, and on the first hit, rolled into the seats. The meme continues. Colton came out for FS and didnt really do anything notable. Jack Brown doesnt return. Max D gets the Event Championship. Pit Party- The Pit Party seemed more alive this year than ever. Many familiar faces, but the track was packed, and the music was fun, but repetitive (you can only hear Carolina or I'm Coming Over so many times before considering suicide.) I was able to see all 8 drivers in time for the pit party, as well as win a few Metro PCS prizes, (Awesome Tshirt!). All were super nice, and super engaging with their fans, but nobody is as good with fan interactions as Bari. Love him! I was able to meet up with friends of mine, got some great pics, and had a great time. Positives- I loved both shows a ton, however felt the 7 o'clock had a little more zest to it. I would reccomend doing that show If you can only afford one. Seems like preserving the trucks was not an issue, and all were going hard. I also felt that this year was a MAJOR improvement over last year. Announcers improved, judging was better, and more action than ever. It was also amazing to see Tyler in possibly his last arena show here at Amalie (I have a feeling that on Sept. 18 we will be seeing him on a stadium tour, fingers crossed). All drivers were going for points, especially Tony Ochs, a pleasant surprise to me today. He was flying down the track faster than anyone else. Tyler still was the shining star of the event though. While he didnt win either event championship, he won more competitions than any other, a true dedicated dude who is super nice to his fans. Moral of the story, the shows rocked, and I cant wait til Janruary and February for the RayJay shows. I am very pleased with the lengths of the shows too, as they were around 2 and a half hours, leaving me satisfied, and giving an all day ordeal for me to enjoy. Negatives- I only had a few negatives really. I really dont like the beach sand/clay mix they use, it slings clumps of heavy dirt everywhere, and I was hit multiple times in the front row (nasty swollen purple bruise in my breast area was the worst). People had to shield themselves with their arms to not get hit. Also, they need to push back the foldable sideine bleachers to give the trucks more room. They're choking with space at some times, (saw this when scooby rolled into like the first 4 rows of seats) as Amalie is a smaller arena. Also, when cotton candy costs more than parking, we've got a problem... Really wasnt a fan of the time managment, but it was a minor issue and I'm sure there was a reason for it I didnt know about. After every run, a truck would be shut off for about a minute, restarted, parked, then the next repeated this. Just seemed to waste a major amount of time. Officials are too trigger happy in donuts. Let the trucks do their thing for gods sake. Most could only get in 3 or so donuts before being shut off. Those were really the only "negatives" I could think of out of millions upon millions of positives. Final Thoughts - I wish better luck next show to Myranda Cozad and Jack Brown. Solod drivers, solid competition, solid show. Easiest I can sum it up. I'll post pics and videos tomorrow, (I'm exhausted from driving through crazy Tampa traffic like eight times, being at Amalie from 7:30 AM- 10:00 PM, running for autographs, etc.) I'm going to sleep Y'all.
  13. Naw man, while that ones probably amazing, you can do anything you want. Dont talk bad about yourself!
  14. Holy crap this is beautiful already. I might just cry.....
  15. I felt like 30 was always losing tires.
  16. 30 was a solid truck. Why was it retired? I hope its kept in decent condition at Digger's Dungeon. That was the last truck Dennis ever drove (so glad I was there for his last ever freestyle. Still miss him dearly)
  17. I don't see it being a problem. If anything i feel like Colt would benefit from having a front engine because it would be easier for him to do his nose wheelies. Same goes for a Digger for a Menninga. I would kill to see a NCGD fabricated chassis with a front engine. Kinda like a GD take on a Willman. Maybe even SUD could run it. He would kill in a Willman. Low center of gravity, more power to the front wheels, hell yeah. I can see it now.
  18. I didnt know there was a distinction. Sorry.
  19. Yeah, @Mark Colineri got it right. He's had his best season ever in my eyes. Dude's been on fire. Just some of my favorite moments: Like I said, Dude's been fire.
  20. Ummmmm have you seen Randy this season? Lol @Mark Colineri
  21. Will you be at the pit party? I'll stop and say hey.
  22. So are they fabricating a new one for him or is Krysten getting a new one? I know this weekend he'll be driving 34 at Amalie Arena (who else is going? Let's do a sims meet up)
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