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File Reviews posted by SonOfStormcloak

  1. I thought this was nothing but a meme track and originally downloaded it because I was bored. Honestly, you made this really, really well.


    The ramps are really spot on, no wheel grabs, no nothing funny. It's really fun to hammer the loop-the-loop and send it off of the fountain.



    RORSCS New Orleans

       352    2

    It's a fun track! But my dumb butt didn't know there was an 8-pack backflip on the side of that big "bus" stack on the side until I came back and looked at screenshots.


    I might be unobservant lol.

    SM V5

       7,456    39

    Cannot believe it has been a decade of our lives since V4 was released. In some ways, it feels like yesterday. In others, a lifetime.


    I'm happy the next chapter in ROR monster trucks is here. I might be older but my love for monster trucks and sim racing will never waiver. Thank you to all who worked on this amazing project. Your work, while unpaid, gives us countless hours of enjoyment. Thank you.

    • Like 2

    RORMJL Minneapolis, MN 2022

       1,021    3

    Thank you. I've been going into serious withdrawal lately with the lack of new tracks (this dead time of year always sucks). It's awesome to have a new fun track to drive on. Thank you very much. 5 stars! It's very fun. Very sad this is the last MJL track, this league has put together so many great tracks.

  2. Ok, I don't mean to be such a sap, but I didn't see Slinger Lane before I loaded the map up because I'm dumb and didn't look at track pics beforehand. When I read Slinger Lane, it brought a tear to my eye.


    RIP Scott. We still miss you very, very dearly. 5/5 track, and a 5/5 tribute, there.

    • Like 1
  3. You have come SO FAR as a track maker, I can't even tell you. I'm playfully mad you were considering not releasing these tracks; these are all fun masterpieces to drive on. I have 0 complaints.


    Easiest 5/5 I've given in a hot minute.

  4. I know it's odd to review a download so long after it was released, but I had to write this. I just downloaded this track a few days ago, and this thing is some of the most fun I've ever played in a monster truck game. I'm mad I ignored this for so long. The track is way more fun that the pictures show and I absolutely adore this now. More designs like this! I especially love the step up, transfer ramp to the step up, and the big air ramp on the outside of the track. That thing launches you to the friggin moon.


    Awesome track!

    Del Mar 2019 July 4th

       614    2

    I agree with WorpeX that the track is very basic. However, basic when done well is always preferred over a complicated track that doesn't work that well. I give this 5 stars, keep on making content! Every track is good practice!

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