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Show Your Projects Chapter 7

Casey Graves

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yea i had to scratch that project:( had some issues that i couldnt fix so i might try to redo the whole track.

I almost had to do that with mine. The floor is perfect but some of the lower level stuff is off slightly on the height and I don't think I'll have any problems using it. It's my first time using the program and I learned how to use it building this track. I haven't had to start over yet luckily.

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The stadium looks pretty good.. Only thing is, you don't have to detail the outside of the stadium, because your only going to be on the inside, So you don't need those columns on the outside. If there is anything else, that isn't in the shot that is outside the stadium, delete it, because it will create less lag.

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The stadium looks pretty good.. Only thing is, you don't have to detail the outside of the stadium, because your only going to be on the inside, So you don't need those columns on the outside. If there is anything else, that isn't in the shot that is outside the stadium, delete it, because it will create less lag.

But the thing is that I was aiming for the actual look on the outside as well since there are very few obstacles inside
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Wow Bob. Your Silverdome came out great. Better than mine did :lol: . But anyways, a friend requested to do Pontiac 2006. So here's what I got so far.

Not bad. It'll be interesting to see when it's done. Google sucks for pics of the inside and has only a few good ones outside. Luckily I have been there a lot and have many personal pics to work with. Wait tiil you see the one I do after October 1st. I'm taking pics of everything I can and doing a super detailed one.

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The stadium looks pretty good.. Only thing is, you don't have to detail the outside of the stadium, because your only going to be on the inside, So you don't need those columns on the outside. If there is anything else, that isn't in the shot that is outside the stadium, delete it, because it will create less lag.

My next version of the Silverdome will need those details because I'm making it so you can roam and play in other areas with other vehicles besides just on the floor. I will be going into a little detail on the current one just to practice.

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So you are saying, multiple tracks, on one map. hmmm, Sounds like a bit much there. One of my tracks has anywhere from 2,000 to 7,000 triangles. If each stadium has more than that, or equal to that, depending on how many stadiums there are, It may lag. You can still try it. If it doesn't work, put them on separate maps.

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So you are saying, multiple tracks, on one map. hmmm, Sounds like a bit much there. One of my tracks has anywhere from 2,000 to 7,000 triangles. If each stadium has more than that, or equal to that, depending on how many stadiums there are, It may lag. You can still try it. If it doesn't work, put them on separate maps.

It's really just going to be what you see in the current one with the parking lot, the pit area outside and access to the different levels. Not even double the ork of this one. And with what I learned on this one I can build it a whole lot simpler. Only one venue and one purpose built track ill be on it. The only track will be on the floor of the Silverdome. I'd like to be able to race go karts on the walkways on top of the stands and drive cars around the parking lot, basically have free roam on the place. Hopefully my new computer will be built soon and I won't have to worry about lag anymore.

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