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Forza 4 help


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Well recently my Forza 4 savegame became a little corrupt not enough to stop the game from working but enough where it severly messed with some of my saved data enough to drive me a little bit crazy and so im restarting. I was wondering if anyone here would be kind enough to help me out by putting some cheap car no one cares about up on the auction house with a start and buyout price os 2 million dollars so i can buy the car then when i restart my savegame i can put a car up on the auction house for 1.5 million dollars for you to buy so i can get my money back and you can keep half a million dollars as a thanks for helping me out. If you would be so kind send me a freind request on xbox (GT is BiasLeaf122) with a message with your username on here and let me know your willing to help so i know who you are...would love to try to get this done within the next 2-3 hours but if no one can help tonight im willing to wait till tomorrow so save my money. Thanks in advance

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Thanks for the offer jersey but its no longer need I started a new game and threw all my good cars from my save onto the auction house so i can just get them back when. The auction ends because i put them up for 100million and one actually sold so i got plenty of money now

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Thanks for the offer jersey but its no longer need I started a new game and threw all my good cars from my save onto the auction house so i can just get them back when. The auction ends because i put them up for 100million and one actually sold so i got plenty of money now

no problem. You can still add me if you like and get some racing in. Its the only game i play. If i'm online i'm playing forza.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I can find players to race for most races pretty quickly can't find any for soccer though. I was doing NASCAR ravces and it took only about a minute to find my races and about as long for circuit races. I play online a lot so I can get my level back and the time to find games isn't to bad

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  • 5 months later...

i've had to restart twice beause of corrupt data but no so lucky as it would put me back on the dashboard not letting play at all, i've been to levels (126),(173), and i'm back to level (47) again 3rd time lucky i hope :o)

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I had a similar problem with corrupt data when I first started playing. Mostly because I used a cheap PNY flash drive that I put my data on (before cloud storage) when I would game at a friends house. I don't think that flash drive liked my friends old xboxt and atleast three times my data corrupted before level 50. Now I'm almost level 100. I hope you all Get the issue sorted out.

I enjoy playing tag (infection) with my friend. On my own I turn to the American Muscle drags. I've got a car I can't be beat in (unless I fumble up the start) that I hit 10.194 on the qm with. I also have a number of designs and liveries on my storefront. Just look for my gt IXI 2XTREME IXI.

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