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(tracks)SMRA Finale (Denver, Co) Mile High Stadium


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File Name: SMRA Finale (Denver, Co) Mile High Stadium

File Submitter: MJFanatic

File Submitted: 12 May 2014

File Category: Tracks

This is the finale track for the SMRA season. This track takes place at Mile High Stadium in Denver, Colorado. The track is based on a 2 day layout with freestyle being majorly different from the racing track which happens to be a St. Louis style starting behind the base of the massive table top.

Some people who helped with this track:

Kayton: Banners, Cars and textures, Tarp, Container texture (edited by me), Dirt, skyline
Dan Agosh: SMRA logo, freestyle obstacle suggestions
Danny Mackey: Paint and obstacle ideas
Me; track modeling, paint, texturing the stadium
Google Warehouse: Stadium model

Very fun track and it should lead to a fun show!
If I forgot anyone, just let me know!

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