About This File
Big pack of trucks that have ran on the PEI chassis over the years......
Monster Mutt 2004
Monster Mutt 2010
Monster Mutt Dalmatian
El Toro Loco 200s
El Toro Loco 2012
El Toro Loco Yellow
El Toro Loco Burgundy 2009
Bulldozer 2000s
Blue Thunder 2001 W/Flags
Blue Thunder 2001 Wo/Flags
Blue Thunder 2004
Blue Thunder 2008
@deadgod88 Blender, chassis edits, paint, NB, lotta stuff.....
@TheBostonRag Help with paints
@Outlawed Original Chassis
SM Community Other helpful stuffs
This is likely not a final version, so if there are any other PEI trucks you would like to see, leave a comment and I'll consider it.
They are not all 100% accurate, Should be standalone.
What's New in Version v2.1 See changelog
Fixes to Blue Thunder
other stuff I cant remember?
-Mr. Destruction
-Air Force Afterburner
-Northern Nightmare
-Spooki Jester
-Smoke to all bulls, G to toggle
-Flag edits to the Blue Thunder flag