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Everything posted by BoomBaby

  1. Welcome!!! This game has a steep learning curve, and while you may do VERY bad for awhile, Your just starting out like everyone else did, We all sucked big time at one time or another
  2. BE WARNED! I may lag do Qualifying and you may lag on my screen. IT IS ONLY A FUNRUN, if you have a goodrun but you lagged on my screen DONT GET ANGRY, it is a FUN<<<<<<<<<RUN
  3. is this gonna be livestreamed or put on youtube? or neither?
  4. same thing with me,i bet it started laughing when i hit it
  5. it isnt hard to make one, but i cant figure out my analog sticks and get to perform correcly, anyone know why? i dont get the whole dead zonething
  6. must have been hard to set that up
  7. Joshua Micks Superman BoomBaby Time to push my fun run back a night
  8. NAME:Joshua Micks TRUCK:Son Uva Digger AIM:BoomBaby
  9. There will be a fun Run at world finals 12 on Saturday, the schedule is down below, All SM Event rules apply, Please only replica trucks, all times below are according to the eastern time zone. EVENT HAS BEEN PUSHED BACK TO THE 25TH Qualifying-5:30-6:30 Chat Starts-6:45 Drivers Meeting-7:00 Event Starts-7:15 NAME: TRUCK: AIM: Joshua Micks-Son Uva Digger Mark Colineri-Stone Crusher Josh Gajewski-Max D Jose Garcia-The Legend Brandon Bert- Mopar Magic Tharindu Don- Brutus Mike Hollingsworth-Taz Matt Wilkinson-Predator Mike G-Grave Digger Aaron Lurie-El Toro Trevor Amos-TMNT Cody Robertson-Spider Man Connor Richardson-Bounty Hunter Christopher Hamilton-Avenger Kegan Ewoldt-Higher Education
  10. Ok so i want wheel For ROR, But being that im 13 and only get $20 a month dosent help, Are there any good but cheap wheels out there, Im talking $80 tops, any suggestions? looking for one with easy access to buttons for RWS and shift, or just easy access for RWS and a sick shift, my hands are pretty much average for a 13 year old btw, so any suggestions???
  11. first thing i would do is get 0.37.126 as that is what we all use and what the stuff we make is made to run on, and see what happens, after that post back here if you still have any problems or questions
  12. Joshua Micks Maximum Destruction BoomBaby
  13. What view do you guys play with in ROR using monster trucks, i use either an above cap or from the driver seat, as i like a more realistic experience, what do you use, post a picture if you like showing your view
  14. Ok, now not ALL of the trucks are white just some such as predator and that whole team, 2extreme, blue thunder captains curse blacksmith, it seems like the same types of body styles are either all white or arent, maybe its because i unloaded all the files into the vehicles folder? or is it just my video card, because if i can fix it, i want to fix it, thanks in advance!
  15. does it say im online for you? if it does msg me so i can qualify
  16. Okay i dont understand how to install it, his directions arent very clear, espicially since i cant copy things into the zip file cause it wont let me, can someone explain how to do this with detail?
  17. almost couldnt compete cause my comp got messed up, glad i figured out how to fix it
  18. i went through it and i didnt see Taurus/ Edit: oh heh heh got it
  19. i dont even have Taurus, it didnt come in the V3 pack nor does it run anymore, so i would say no
  20. fine just wanted to help... i can i at least judge? Can someone else record?
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