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Sergeant Politeness

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Everything posted by Sergeant Politeness

  1. There's no Atlanta.... well there goes any interest I had left in this sport
  2. If they really cut out all of those markets that's insane, especially since Houston and Detroit have established venues with multiple shows. I'd be flabbergasted and offended that they'd do five damned shows in Anaheim and none in any of these venues. God I swear no Atlanta would be the biggest spit in the face
  3. It's like back in the early 90s, we never got to see Gene Patterson drive much because of Colt Cobra
  4. Was that #18? Jeez that chassis has been through the wringer the past year. First the Wildwood crash, this, I think Josh Gibson did a number on it at Virginia Beach as well, and any other things that have happened.
  5. It looks great even if I still hate everything it represents. Also Kamikaze looks phenomenal, you're really kicking ass with these replicas recently
  6. September 12th 2018 dates will be announced with lineups and tours coming the following week.
  7. Looks pretty solid! I'd clean up the logo a tad and change Flyin Ryan to Shakin Sean
  8. I used to be on the website WAYY back in the day and even then the way that went about wasn't too good. It was at a good peak in 2010, then the site went down for over a year, comes back with a new one and then less than six months later it's down again? After that they abandoned the site and started the Facebook group I didn't go back
  9. Yeah I dunno what they changed this year versus last but the track needs to be SEVERELY toned down. Last night was the indie equivalent of WF11. And Aaron Cain won racing but that was the only race he won all night, and Bigfoot one by virtue of doing exciting stuff and filling the clock, only one that did
  10. I'm not shocked but it's a shame. That truck had so much potential and we never saw much out of it considering Gary had a job in Alaska and couldn't really drive it much
  11. For those expecting anything for Max D's 15 remember how bare bones (no pun intended) GD's 35th Anniversary was? Yeah don't hold your breaths on anything extravagent from FELD's budget truck design division
  12. Oooo those are gorgeous! Any chance Scarlet Bandit and Bounty Hunter 2/Knucklehead are in the works as well?
  13. Fantastic work! Nice to see a proper Alien Invasion and not the botch job passed around YouTube
  14. Part of me wonders if he'll fill in for Steve next week in Charlotte. I feel like Cole on a track like that would be insane
  15. And on that note, the Alt Right. Both sides have extremist tools, neither one is immune
  16. I feel like my big issue with that the logo is really hard to read and, personally so take this with a grain of salt, the colors are too muddy and muted IMO, there's not much pop to the scheme
  17. Be careful with that nowadays my child Anyhow back on topic they have the speedsters there, dunno what else they're gonna do except just race around the concrete. Seems kind of lame IMO
  18. Totally forgot about that, my bad! Still though that show was the first of its kind in Chile, so MAYBE it could get dirt in there if they returned, with Sunrise however this confirms dirt will never be there
  19. I just don't even get WHY they still try to have shows there. With this it'll be much harder to do a Triple Threat Show, and Florida already has plenty of venues to do shows, and as far as I know this is the only venue FELD runs that will not allow dirt
  20. So this is next weekend, honestly I'll probably hit this up. It's only an hour from me, I've never seen any of these trucks live, and according to Kevin King tickets are only 15 bucks per. Anyone on here who's in the area I'd suggest hitting this up, looks to be a pretty solid show!
  21. The fact you felt the need to dig around to find a thread almost five years old just to post something seems so sad to me.
  22. He's been running for Team Vaters recently (Blue Thunder and MMR have been on Vaters chassis). I think JR Seasock is now running for Zane's team in Master of Disaster full time so Cory is filling his place
  23. Double post, Monster Jam has unveiled its 2017 Halloween truck. El Toro Loco gets the treatment. It looks good but it screams of another truck. Reminds me of another famous bull(dozer)
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