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Patriotic Canadian

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Posts posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. To be honest, I like the body. It's unique. It'd be cool if you released it separately.




    it's literally the worst model i have ever seen. This would be inexcusable in a homebrew sega saturn game made over a drunken weekend at the frat house. it's that bad.



    Ok, whatever mod edited this post, you got a laugh out of me. The thing is waiting in the wings, cavi probably already has it

  2. I'm not knocking the Maximum Destruction's in any way, shape, or form, only using it as an example. Why does it seem that unless a project is completely revolutionary, it seems to go seemingly unnoticed by the majority of people that browse this site? It may just be me, but that is what I see looking through here day after day.


    Again, not knocking them in any way, they look amazing, just making an observation.




    to be fair mine is the first good max-d body. Box5's thing just sucked and the eggmobile doesn't deserve to be remembered. So after however long it's been since squishy stadium or whatever it's been a long time coming



    And now back to your regularly scheduled program.


    how could you not know that's a joke

  3. Really? That's your max-d body.


    Yeah, and he's not doing very basic things that make it look that much better



    The scale of them look fine. They are just too cluttered and overbearing.


    i wouldn't say so




    on that skin the individual scratches will cover a hell of a lot more space than that photo

  4. Finally 1 Maximum Destruction is completed, and it is the 2014 Spiked that Tom ran, has the new shock models, (by rockcrwlr), and the sponsor plate! 13 more to go! But don't worry the rest is just adding little parts ;)


    Enjoy! :)






    Every time you post these things i say edgesplit that poo, so for god's sake edge split that poo


    and those scratches are way too big and way too heavy, quiet that down some and bring down the scale



    A wild CRD Firestorm emerges from its ocean habitat.




    i really need to make hot wheels, that model is just plain awful.

  5. We done?I think so







    I'd put some rollers or a rythem section there. Having the last jump after a straight means you're flooring it for so long the race is already over by the time you hit the jump. Break it up in there somehow, i'd put in maybe two or three whoops or something of the like

  6. The dirt texture I'm using is the one Klayton made that is 2048 x 2048.  I kind of understand what you're suggesting, I'm pretty sure Klayton did that on his last Minneapolis track.  The track is still being tested, so the final dirt texture is going to be baked and painted.  Also, I don't seem to see what is blurry.





    Looks pretty murky to me. 2048 is about the size for a truck body at least, maybe a really large billboard at the most. Those cars i'd make 512, which would be way higher res than the space around it. And just think of scaling the grain in that image up to real dirt, that'd be boulder sized clumps of sod, not fine grains

  7. So, after talking it over, Julio and I swapped out some tracks, I'm now making the first Houston show:








    Make a material that tiles the dirt texture and takes a colour image as multiply for the detail. Blurry ground from 1997 ain't cool no more

  8. welp got the 2014 Max D Spiked finished! Added the monsterjam.com logo already on the back, don't worry!


    Got both Meent's, and Neil's version!


    4 more to go!









    edge split those things.


    Also i think those scratches are way too big and way too visible, subtlety is always the way to go



    I understand you. I really do like detailed trucks and I do enjoy you and the communities work as much as they do. Thanks for the info on the trucks. They shouldn't lag me too much.


    Lag is a meaningless buzzword. dont use it

  9. Well the people who have never made a truck don't know how hard it can be. Plus these people are doing this for free. If you want perfect replicas, then you better be willing to cough up some cash.


    "i'm not very good at this but i tried so therefore i'm immune to criticism"


    Behold everyone, the last smouldering detritus of the insurmountable mistake that is/was the self esteem/no child left behind movements. God help us all when our generation rules the world


    Uhhmmm no? Look at Patriotic Canadian's content. His replica models are perfect 99% of the time. All it takes is good modeling/texturing skills.


    is this a sign of the apocalypse?

    • Upvote 1
  10. Just to let you know whoever gave it to him got it from the man of steel that is on ror central so don't insult his body


    the body is literally the worst model i have ever seen. Anyone who has it in any shape or form, delete it.


    i mean that. Make it go away. Kill it now.

  11. That fire was a mistake on the official's part, if they'd shut him down earlier that bonfire probably wouldn't have happened.


    honestly, i think just standing on the throttle for thirty seconds while on your roof is a pretty dumb thing to do, especially since i've heard that the motors don't even have rev limiters. i'm actually suprised more trucks don't go up in flames come to think

  12. I'd go the other way around, make sure freestyle is as good as can be and then make racing out of it. The racing layout doesn't need to be as finely tuned and it's much simpler. doesnt make sense to base the complicated thing rigidly around the simple thing

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