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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Well i didn't win anything so i get my big blue dinosaur also, speaking of, this seems to be the Season 3 thread so can i drive this for the season, the refurbished model, since i sort of made it to run in the first place
  2. go to the truck file go to props find the body prop put a ; in front of it the end
  3. Quick, with or without the "support" rails? i need help because i genuinely can't decide. i'm probably going to inverse the little dip in the front rail which'll serve as an iron sight of sorts. make it tie closer into the actual barrel curve as well
  4. Because defending sketchup as a modelling tool is like defending hitler as a humanitarian Every single thing that sketchup does is specifically designed for people who don't know how to model. The edge loops and verts are "automatically" generated based on input shapes. and while the system works as well as one could hope such a motley approach to work, it's like handling a baseball bat with boxing gloves made of fire and angry cats. everything that you could possibly hope to do in sketchup is done better and with much less effort and much more control in blender/3ds/maya/anything decent. there's simply no argument. The only reason you would ever defend sketchup is if you've literally never tried anything else and are simply too lazy to do so but still feel like defending your own impotence for reasons known only to your id.
  5. hell, if you want to toss that skin to me i can get it looking right in all of ten muinites. since i don't know PDN that well so my instructions are moot, it's best for the hands on approach
  6. well, i've decided to start doing TF2 stuff because i like the idea of all the fame, fourtune, money, hats, artistic validation, creative direction and money that all the TF2 contributers are getting, so toot toot, all aboard the Source train This is my current project, going out to more a "everything is broken so i'd better get to work making new stuff" engie pack. basically what i envision him to make out of nearby guff if he needed a weapon, or three, really quick. This here's the shotgun, which i'm calling LeadBelly Purple bits are still the original stock shotgun model which i'm modelling around, apart from the shotgun shell which i made myself and have forgotten to rematerial. Since the idea is that it's all assembled out of nearby objects by the criminally genius engineer, it's all supposedly built out of workshop or industrial building parts. The stock is a guitar neck that engie would've broken over his knee and fasten together with bands and bolts, haven't modeled the slide slots for the primer knob on the left side, and i might end up placing it on the top anyway, since something jutting into your view near the reticule might be distracting to the eye. in fact most of it is pretty WIP and unfinished, but that's because under a thin veneer of showy braggartism, the true purpose of this thread is to see if people like the concept, and the model gets what it's supposed to be across without any textures. So uh. criticize away
  7. 100% all natural jargon. jibberish is for posers who think they're better then they are
  8. colour range the black out from the scheme, set it to hard light or reduce the opacity, and find a tesselating "chalky" texture and put it over as a vector mask, making it look like the grandma digger. then dupe the chalky layer and put that as hard light with the same vector mask to give it an actual texture. darken the base a bit and then after that get a really sparse metal texture or something gritty and size it up a lot to get the sort of rough surface that matte paint has. then put some rust on and give it a really dull spec map to give it a mattelike glowy sheen
  9. i'm actually kind of disappointed nobody asked me to do the intro. i had a few ideas and everything
  10. that map won't work at all, but the model looks great
  11. Well i was more talking about RKM's V3 "patch" body, which replaced the UA rip for some reason. And i haven't really touched V4 that much, so i don't know about any of the props in there. and again, i swear i saw him say in a server in the halcyon days of v2/3 that it was an MTM2 port. EDIT: and come to think of it, looking at it now, there's a few things wrong with it. the windshield on the real truck is much stouter, with the hood coming much higher, and it's got a really strange angle to it that i tried to get but it's more part of the windshield sill relations. i should probably redo the entire cab to get it right. and i think the nose curve is too lax on this as well. but that's an easy fix
  12. Well Urban Assault didn't have any "Liscenced" trucks in it, so that just leaves MTM. anyway, made this a while ago, never bothered posting it There's a lot of dirty edge loops in there. overall it's clean, but i should really mend some of them
  13. i've gotta make a gif of the dancing robot
  14. should've thrown in the old crushies, since i doubt anyone will online with this
  15. i didn't say it was an MTM2 rip, i just said "And avenger" because avenger was made as well, if your model was an MTM2 rip, i would've said so. Also, stop being a presumptuous cretin. Please and thanks really, the old LF pack one? i swear i remember that LF said that it was an MTM2 port
  16. *all three And RKM, what exactly makes you think i'd want to attatch my name to anything you've made?
  17. You know, considering that the double trouble frame is a mid engined ripoff of the willman frame, i think Tyler just took the "tom meents of indies" title away from bill payne
  18. Hulk works, whereas Thor is just superman with some nose cancer.
  19. highlight of the century that was anyvey since the V4 escalade malarky seems to be an MTM2 rip from before the cadilac even existed, i did it up proper And avenger... and i know for a fact Taz is an ancient rip
  20. but they exist so your "that won't happen" point is moot not to mention that on a focus test quiz on MJ online a while ago, "joker" was an option next to a few other DC related truck ideas.
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