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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. games are bloody expensive make. Just think of a full studio of your big budget game companies, remember the credits list from the last super duper title? yeah, each one of those names hoovers up at the very least, 40 bucks an hour, five days a week, sometimes more, for four years. That is a big pile of money, and there's no garuntee it'll be earned back when the game sells. You could say that "yeah movie studios do too yo" but the difference is that A) Movies have a much larger audience, in the same way that theatre had a much larger audience when films were still pretty young. By extention, more people = more possible consumers which means better mathematical odds of return on investment a majority of film jobs are actually minimum wage jobs, and anyone who had anything to do with the film pretty much is legally obliged to have their name tacked on. Every guy in charge of sammiches, every runner sprinting down to studio to pick up some tiny little bit of kit that was forgotten, every meathead humping light rigs around. All cheap labor, for much shorter amounts of time. C) In racing sims, you need to start bringing in hyper high brow mathematicians, coders, physics professors and you need to test on real cars at real tracks, both of which you need to rent/own, and again, for very long times, and all of which at very high dollar. So yeah, games are expensive, and i'm pretty sure the top suit bags at FELD think their entire audience is under the age of two, and therefore don't see the value in investing in a really expensive racing sim, which will need hyper peculiar engine work done just for it, to sell to an audience they don't think exists. Sad but true, nothing can be done
  2. Oh god's sake. What did i just say. Don't use that body, it's awful. put it back where you found it and wash your goddamn hands afterwards
  3. Does anyone at FELD give a poo? they still use the eggmobile models from POD for official renders and any new models they're obliged to do really suck.
  4. Yeah those trees are way oversized, and the broken alpha on the lighting rigs makes me sad
  5. I want beat up taxi avenger some year This is one of the many reasons why
  6. would everyone mind not using the activision rips? Not because stealing models is teh evilz, but because they suck. They're deliberately cartoony and low poly and they're a bodge job top to bottom. If someone would have a good ortho to throw at me i'll model the expedition in a heartbeat, but until then just don't touch those things, they're not clean
  7. Either way, Dneps are gone forever. I feel sorry for ecoworks, amidst the ukrainian economy diving into a misanthropic tailspin, and along comes all this american money and sales. Then the second Putin takes a plundering look at the Ukraine through some doubtlessly shady Soviet arteries, the maelstrom around that almost certainly about to freeze up the economy even worse, and then they hear "so yeah your tires suck because they're too good, gotta go bye."
  8. from what i've heard, apparently the Dneps were too grippy and were tearing up stadium floors. so yeah that's kind of the point
  9. the posters in the guy's hands should've been turned into money for just the one night, or maybe that's an awful idea because people have no sense of humor
  10. mend the edgesplits, i can see some wonky stuff on each body
  11. Chassis should be a lighter electric blue,some of the curves on the body are somewhat paltry and the env maps on the shocks need to be curbstomped down a touch, but other than that, there you go
  12. most of that's pretty good, but there's a few issues with it. Firstly, poly distribution is wonky The windows have three edgeloops to fill an inch, and the goatee has three edge loops around the top for a surface three feet long. Also there's some real cleanliness problems too. You're gonna want to religiously keep it down to quads. On a realtime model fill triangles are fine so long as they're filling in details within what would've been a quad. But on a subsurf model? nope. unless you absolutely cannot do a thing without quads, always find the workaround that keeps your model as close to a perfect grid as you can. Other than that, the only real problem area is around the eyes, horns and nose Compare this to the next image That whole area is completely inaccurate, but not beyond mending. There's a shape you missed top down on the horns. See there's the ridge along the bottom, the roundy bulge that bridges the difference. From the top down they're flowy, on yours they don't move at all. Ditto for the hair. On the real body it's 3d, but that could probably be left for normals if you want. As for the eyes and such, they're pretty simple to get down if you lay a shape out like the bodge job paintover i did there. To make a subsurfed model to create sharp and small shapes like that, there's an option in the transform leaf called Crease, 1 is 90 degrees based around the base edgeloop, 0 is how it is by default. Also if you don't mind cleaning up the model a bit before you stick it ingame, some 'control' loops added with control R and/or edge slide, that's another way to refine the shape with fidelity. Also, when using edgesplit, never go by angle unless you're just using it as placeholder, but always go about marking edges as sharp as you go, because doing it all at the end is just annoying and i find i'll miss stuff if i try to do it all at once. And refine your mesh as you go as well. A drawing's lines has to look good from one angle, a 3d model has to look good from six sides. So to top ortho, side ortho, front and back ortho, and tweak your wire so that every edgeloop is a nice flowy shape from all angles. What may look great from one side is iffy from another. But, make it look good from both sides, and it'll be better from all sides. So hey, the little things. But yeah, i only really go into really detailed nitpicks when something's on the verge of being good, so you'll get there. You're learning faster than i did. Also, would you happen to have any good orthos of the thing i could nick? Not to occlude the version you made, it's just a bit of a challenge and i want to meet it
  13. Photocrops are bad and you should feel bad Use that image to vector the paint, not slap it on the side of the truck and pack in
  14. Ok why is steve kohler in young guns? The truck is literally older than i am, he's been driving for at least five years and he's been in the encore of the finals. I like that he's in the finals at all, but don't call it young guns if it's young guns and oh by the way someone who's been racing for eight years and a truck older than half our audience shootout
  15. mind throwing that on p3d? I wanna have a look at the model up close
  16. That's looking good. But i don't see a lot of edgesplit on the body and the material sucks. find me on AIM sometime and i'll fix it all up for you
  17. i wouldn't call those good close up reference pictures. Might be an ortho of brutus in there but that's about it. Piles of high res close up shots of intricate surfaces that help you understand the shape is what you want. not murky photos taken from the other end of the stadium
  18. Nope, dozer mould is different than el toro's, much less vertical droop
  19. http://www.tttc.ca/student-work but yeah, let's cap it there, this is already turning into a maelstrom
  20. Ok then, what do you have to say about this? Critisize me bro I was mostly talking about old stuff i've done. Before 2013, like batman and iron man. I learned modeling through brute force and it showed. Recently i've become so good i got accepted into one of the best 3d art schools in the world, so i think i'm safe in saying i'm competent. We should probably all shut up before this turns into a firestorm
  21. You do realize i only post the bake models right? And besides, ROR's graphics are literally from 2003, it barely takes any processor power to do a million faces in today's computer world. If this was Cry Engine or Unreal, yeah, optimizing would be a huge issue and i'd slave over getting hyper efficient models, but it's not, so it isn't, so i don't
  22. Would you have any shots of the front as well? i've been meaning to convert el toro to willman dozer, and the front is a different mould
  23. y'know what, i think i'll do just that. I've got a load of stuff to do today, but soon as that's through i'll go back and cherrypick bodies, give them a template PSD, and throw them into the wilds.
  24. yeah that's a very fair point and i'll readily admit to not releasing stuff, but i'm trying to change that now with digger, maxxy ect Honestly i should go through my backlog and turn some stuff out, but some of it is pretty bad to be honest
  25. Well this is gonna turn into a politicsfest, but what the hell, here we go. Modeling aside, even if you farted out photo realistic models and sneezed 1-1 paint jobs, you are/were a goddamn prick. Need i remind all the times you called me queer, or fag? or told me to love off in chats? How you belittled me at every turn? How you stole things from other people and claimed them as your own content? How you'll ban people because they said "Take it out on the track", or "crybaby" or even for beating you in a race? Remember how you ragequit against all regular rules many MANY times, but got away with it because of nepotism? Remember being a despot, a cretin and just generally an awful person? Yeah, i'll respect you when you deserve it, and that's a long way off. I've heard stories from many people who've interacted with you for any amount of time who say you're a flip flopping, two faced lying tantrum hurling manic extrovert and narcissist, and i'm sure i could drum up ten thousand words to support that. You're the reason misanthropes exist, and I say this candidly, literally, and without hesitation. You're one one of the worst people i've ever had the displeasure of interacting with and i hope you get mulched by a cement mixer the next time you leave your fetid little hovel Oh, and to top it off, you suck at modeling.
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