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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. I know for a fact that my F150 is better than FELD's inhouse one.
  2. well it's not, stupid honestly FELD's attack dog lawyers are going to have more than a few thousand words to say about that one. I get the joke and think it's funny, but only to the point where mabye he runs it on a truck while testing for a laugh. This is going to get him in deep poo
  3. i gave it out so poo like this wouldn't happen. But no i'm not allowed to critisize because someone worked very hard on it and mommy told him it was good
  4. The pauldrons are flat and the face and hands are lumpy, mismapped and lacking a load of detail. Why not just use mine?
  5. my guess is 12k at the least. not much at all
  6. Please just let it die the cold sordid death it deserves
  7. Something out of the blue, but here's a prop i made for an SFM short. Entirely untextured obviously. Also runs nicely in realtime TF2 Based somewhat on Seasick Steve's Sears Kent guitar. Also rock, how did you do that headlight so well? Are those some functional normals i see?
  8. Make the skybox shadeless. It ruins the effect if it's shaded.
  9. oh is that what's going on yeah i'm still releasing it, i do wanna take a dig at FM. I'm just trying to say i won't do anything more to fix the v4 stuff underneath, because if you polish a turd, all you do is soil the cloth
  10. I just can't win can i "you suck for not releasing stuff" "releasing stuff makes you a hypocrite. and you still suck"
  11. yeah but then they'll bugger my new material system i'm working on
  12. I made it for the sake of making it, and only stuck it into v4 because nobody would stop asking me to do it.
  13. see that's exactly what i mean. That's all i want to do. But i don't want to spend weeks remaking v4, because at the end of the day, it's still bloody awful no matter how much i pretty it up
  14. well i was running a youtube in the second one. Flash player doesn`t like my computer that much. Having one up while doing other stuff is a big old FPS killer Also, still hunting for avenger stuff if anyone has stuff. In particular i want photos of that one bald slick tire peculiar to 2006 ,i can`t find any photos of that thing
  15. Spot the Difference it actually hurts to leave that frame like that. but v4 really isn`t worth it Still needs it`s own peculiar spec map rather than the shared system i`ve got on there now but oh well Also, make the skybox on FMIII shadeless. A shadowed skybox is weird and sort of ruins the point of itself Also love .37 and love it`s cache system. It can burn in the fires of hell from whence it came.
  16. That engine`s quite nice actually. Bake on the pipes is a bit wonky though
  17. Is it too late to say Steve Harlow Wrecking Crew
  18. But i don`t want to fix V4 because it`s a lost cause. Either V5 comes out and everything`s moot, or it doesn`t, and v4 sucks just slightly less.
  19. Yeah and i know i could model everything perfectly fine, and that's sort of the problem. I just see these trucks and go OH GOD MUST FIX. PURGE PURGE PURGE and it'll always snowball into more work, which is why i don't release things. As soon as i start testing i just have to fix everything.
  20. Requesting high res shots of avenger if anyone has them. Google isn't giving me anything and my regular sources aren't very fruitful this time around. Fire me an IM 'n such if you wouldn't mind
  21. Yeah and zombie still sucks. But this is worse. It's both needless, and only looks like what it's supposed to from one very particular angle. at least zombie tells you what it is no matter how you look at it
  22. I remembered why i don't release things. >well let's put it ingame >well that looks ni- oh those tires suck. Oh those sway bars suck. That's not what a littlefield looks like, no they don't have carberetours. that's not how u joints work, that's all kinds of wrong, why are the guages 6 vert circles. Why are the rims unsmoothed, why do the tires suck that much. Why is the transmission a big lump of stuff. why does the transfer case go nowhere. why are the shaft loops a milemetre thick why is- etc etc etc also points to Thundro for putting it ingame for me. Allowing me to focus on nurburg laptimes and avenger. In that order.
  23. Well since nobody actually answered my question, i'm gonna go with what i want to do and make a big old team scream pack If anyone wants to volunteer for prop placing duty to make the whole thing go quicker and let me focus on avenger, that'd be appreciated. But if not, it's all good either way
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