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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. yeah it sucked so i deleted it. i think that has to be done without subsurf
  2. Last i checked she's a realtor in florida somewhere. so that's a thing
  3. No. it's literally the worst model i have ever seen. This would be inexcusable in a homebrew sega saturn game made over a drunken weekend at the frat house. it's that bad. Ok, whatever mod edited this post, you got a laugh out of me. The thing is waiting in the wings, cavi probably already has it
  4. I quite like that actually. If it has really tight suspension it'll make the whole thing look like a little stiff mongrel tearing about, rather than a big prowling creature that creten's body does
  5. "...holmes." as far as i know the only place she won't get on her knees is under her truck
  6. to be fair mine is the first good max-d body. Box5's thing just sucked and the eggmobile doesn't deserve to be remembered. So after however long it's been since squishy stadium or whatever it's been a long time coming how could you not know that's a joke
  7. Yeah, and he's not doing very basic things that make it look that much better i wouldn't say so on that skin the individual scratches will cover a hell of a lot more space than that photo
  8. Every time you post these things i say edgesplit that poo, so for god's sake edge split that poo and those scratches are way too big and way too heavy, quiet that down some and bring down the scale i really need to make hot wheels, that model is just plain awful.
  9. In this thread we learn that things die, but hoping otherwise in a really meek uncommitted way will somehow make that not happen
  10. I'd put some rollers or a rythem section there. Having the last jump after a straight means you're flooring it for so long the race is already over by the time you hit the jump. Break it up in there somehow, i'd put in maybe two or three whoops or something of the like
  11. that F150 is awful. i made that body for the broker so just drop me a line and i'll send it off
  12. Looks pretty murky to me. 2048 is about the size for a truck body at least, maybe a really large billboard at the most. Those cars i'd make 512, which would be way higher res than the space around it. And just think of scaling the grain in that image up to real dirt, that'd be boulder sized clumps of sod, not fine grains
  13. Make a material that tiles the dirt texture and takes a colour image as multiply for the detail. Blurry ground from 1997 ain't cool no more
  14. have you scaled up digger any? that isn't looking quite right
  15. god i thought that was digger on the far right, i'm amazed feld couln't/didn't lash at it more than that
  16. anything and everything on preadator please, especially a front ortho
  17. edge split those things. Also i think those scratches are way too big and way too visible, subtlety is always the way to go Lag is a meaningless buzzword. dont use it
  18. that's a really awful photoshop job. i could do better than that
  19. Don't touch sketchup. It's dirty, put it back where you found it
  20. i'm sure the other teams will lennin a hand if something goes wrong. On topic though, i'll bet Raging Bull makes misnk meat out of the other trucks. solid team there
  21. "i'm not very good at this but i tried so therefore i'm immune to criticism" Behold everyone, the last smouldering detritus of the insurmountable mistake that is/was the self esteem/no child left behind movements. God help us all when our generation rules the world is this a sign of the apocalypse?
  22. the body is literally the worst model i have ever seen. Anyone who has it in any shape or form, delete it. i mean that. Make it go away. Kill it now.
  23. the roof is still nearly entirely wrong
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