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Patriotic Canadian

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Everything posted by Patriotic Canadian

  1. Remember when i said brutus was done? I lied. The mouth was all kinds of wrong. wrong number of teeth in the wrong shape in the wrong places. now it's accurate. Ethan's currently painting the things i can't. namely the airbrushing on the teeth. And yes, i'm releasing this one
  2. Yeah i know, it's just a test material. Nothing but the logo and headlights are textured in there, it's just a material where i dragged the hue slider until it was green and hit save. Textured in ror it's accurate. Don't worry, i'm not that dumb If you want i can show you how to make that body better. The design's got potential but right now it's a tic dull. The surfaces need more life in there. If you want, hit me up when i'm not doing anything and i'll help out.
  3. Ah pants. I completely forgot about that livestream. Honestly what happened was i'm trying to get a TV show together. I got two major networks who're apparently really interested, so i forgot about DoD completely. Then when i got time on my hands while i wait for word back, i started digger. Anyway, have a thing. First to guess what it is without me telling them wins a prize iunno about this. If anyone has any feedback on it, fire away anyway, after that, DoD stream tomorrow night mabye?
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCIyAyWaeBc i call dibs on modelling it
  5. I'm working on running gear. Depends on what happens it might get a v4/5 release
  6. May i suggest the grille from a '35 willys? it's what i based ratted out on somewhat. Oh. pageking. Have an updated and near final digger body Soon as ethan sculpts the fabric and i thin the name out it's done i guess
  7. CANADIAN ROCK SNEAK ATTACK http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6179CAyOk0 Why yes, i am biased
  8. oh. forgot about that. The world finals logo and XX for twenty are just layers, i guess i forgot to change it back for the regular season digger while skinning the chrome one. Oops. It's fixed now. And now introducing: Green!
  9. eugh. Looks like FELD's axing anything that doesn't fit a standard CRD and isn't digger. Say goodbye to the merc kiddies, they're just testing the water now.
  10. Good point. Uh.... HEY LOOK A DISTRACTION! No i don't know how i'll do the tombstones on top.
  11. No it's just thinner. I've mended it since then. It'll never be perfect because i did it by eye mostly, but i think it's close enough now that nobody could tell the difference
  12. The only texture in that image is the grave digger logo and headlight normals. Everything else is just approximated materials. When it's textured it'll be bang on, i can tell you that
  13. it's a thing! And if all goes to plan, should have normal maps for the name embossing/blood around it as well as the cracks and fabric folds on the skull. However, since i'm such an incompetent git, i tried and failed to do the sculpting; and good guy ethan is helping me out there. So go give him a hug, because he is fantastic And to the el toro below me, beatcha to it with mine ages ago. Just waiting on paint for release at this point
  14. There you go. still a few flat ramps like the upside of the mini jump in the middle. other than that, good way to go
  15. well shaving down the verts that's what. Before you had a moderately clean wire with enough faces per ramp to make them decently shaped, and now you've just gone back, gone "Right, screw that" and turned it all into triangle sharp edge hell. it's going to handle like a brick and look about as good now. put some depth into those surfaces, ramps aren't just flat metal planes made of nothing. they've got surface and depth to them. Give them some personality also your normals for the containers are backwards, that'll play hell with your physics Also, accurate digger door!* yay! *digger the legend
  16. BLOODY SAVED. I love this thread
  17. Everything but the UV seams is fixed now. Can't be bothered to rebake this late, but i'll do it later. The roof seams will also need some squaring off on the final export. I just don't like having six different versions of one model floating about in a blend, gets messy real quick Problem with the seams is that i painted digger at 4092, to scale down to 2048, as details are better if you do it that way. I just forgot to up the margin in the bake to compensate. Oops
  18. Digger's been updated to have accurate seams 'n stuff, as well as a shiny new texture. Yes i know the graphics on the tail don't quite line up and the roof graphic is crap. Currently clonestamping the hell out of it and vectoring a new one to fix each respectively. But hey, the text on the gravestones is the correct way around on the other side! take that society! 30th body to come soon i guess
  19. Since you can't darken pure black. don't go so dark. Go a few shades up so ROR can shadow your model without breaking the laws of visible light
  20. Stop making me nice lady the page out to my own posts. I know i do a lot of stuff but come on. Betcha can't guess what this is.
  21. that's a Finnish truck. And they've got a seriously competitive truck on parts nicked from penda and shipped in from PEI. I gotta respect those guys
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