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Everything posted by Warwizard

  1. That looks amazing! Hopefully that truck gets into competition. If it does, who would drive it? That paint job looks sweet! I really hope that scheme shows up again soon.
  2. Crap. Do you think you or someone else could help me do that or at least make the n/b (if its possible) and send it to me? If you or someone else could do that, that would be awesome!
  3. derbymutt's monster truck, 'The Emporer', has automatic rear steer. I copied the V4 notepad for rear steer commands and pasted it into The Emporer's trucks file under commands2. it still doesnt have manual rear steer. Can someone help?
  4. I think this might be the best breakable monster truck in rigs of rods history. People who are making breakable trucks, learn from this guy! Derby mutt, this is possibly your best project yet. The only problem is that there is automatic rear steer. Please fix that.
  5. Obstacles not tracks. Please do not post favorite tracks. I'll make a separate thread for that.
  6. Cool! Be sure to post pics if you can. (It's optional.)
  7. Over the years, Monster Jam and Monster X Tour had made obstacles that looked incredible. In this thread, post any obstacle, car stack, dirt mound, etc. that stood out to you. Extra Challenge: Post who used the obstacle the best?
  8. There's never been "Perfect Breakables" They're either Ash's settings, come plenty bendable, or fragile as hell. Someday someone will make good breakables. We just have to wait.
  9. 13 world finals tracks down, 3 to go. Great job.
  10. Truck looks amazing. The only problem is that it lags a lot. Hopefully there's a low quality version in the future.
  11. Hopefully this file gets approved so I can use it.
  12. That's a V3 truck. We use V4. Unless you are able to convert it to V4.
  13. Looking great! Can't wait for it to be up for download
  14. There will likely be an fps version. If not, it's probably fps friendly. Just wait for release.
  15. So far during the year the days got better and life got better. I've been having troubles with online stuff and I'm a little bored of ROR. I won't be gone for long, I'll be back soon (a month or 2, who knows?). On the bright side, I'll be on the forums from time to time and see what's going on. Hopefully this break won't last as much as my last break. (3 years was my last break. You guys wouldn't care though.). For now, I'll see you guys soon.
  16. I'm happy for you man, good luck in life, good luck on the child, and kudos to your decisions.
  17. looks great. Try a do something interesting on the center ramp after the j turn (like a dirt mound from St. Louis 2010 or a dirt gap thingy from world finals 8.)
  18. I cant believe i started a armada of sarcastic things. I meant to say if hes mentally ok.
  19. I liked the car pad too. tracks were really exciting back then. Sometime it would be exciting just to wait and see what the track layout is for fs. World Finals 7 was my first monster jam show too. Crashes and saves caught me by surprise [back then], but, it was kinda annoying to see the trucks freestyle and not crash. Sometimes the crash is just lame (Example: The truck tips over on a slow and tight turn) or none of the trucks performed a save. That was the only problem I had with monster jam (Except at Philly in 2010 when they had a cash prize for what crash was the best. That's why there were a crapton of crashes. When you're at a show its fun no matter what. on TV its a whole other story.
  20. I'm not trying to be rude, but, if you want mods, get them and learn for yourself. I learned how to play by starting out not knowing what to do and i improved over time. Find some track and trucks and get started. if you need any help just message me or use this forum topic.
  21. Great to hear some more good news Rock!
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