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Posts posted by DDT

  1. hes drivin that truck the past 2 years in Aussie....but he moves around way to much....From Slayer to i believe Max D then to Outlaw, then I think back to Max D( I dont remember exactly) then DK then Max D again for what like 3 years and them building him a new truck.

  2. for the sound make sure you have the sounds turned on in the Config.....if you do then its probably the same glitch i have where sometimes youll have truck sounds and sometimes you wont

  3. Ticket Master isnt always correct...some stuff they have set up in advance to start selling at a specific time (Probably when Orlando 2013s event was over) and so you can buy them way in advance....if they have to Ticketmaster will stop the sells and refund everyone the money

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  4. yep you dont see guys like Dennis and Tom going out and getting there biggest air at the start of the run....start out with some smaller hits and work your way up...Within 30seconds left is when you should really start wanting the Big air....also got to think your moves through before doing them....think how the truck may land and where it may be and where everything is.

  5. idk maybe its due to the digger anniversary....maybe it was the track layout or how the event was that makes it wanted so much

  6. WF8 for MTM2 has been out for a while. Klayton had it in the works along with a few other world finals that he was gonna release in a WF track pack but i dont think he ever finished it.

  7. i agree with everything said. Just practice the track and when you go to qualify just relax and dont be competitive trying to be faster then the other guy (or anyone else) and just run a clean run and even though you may think your run was slow a good run usually does seem slow at first (Learned that from Forza)

  8. sorry to hear about your phone....If my Iphone was stolen during class i would personally make sure no one leaves the class room untill i get my phone back and after i did get it back i would probably be suspended for fighting or if the girl that means the world to me e tried to get hold of me but couldnt when she really needed me (quite often) i would probably be taken to jail for my actions ESPECIALLY if she did any harm to herself because she couldnt get hold of me......guess what im trying to say is that i have an idea of what your going through and hope you get it back....but if you have icloud and are signed it then sign in here and you can either wipe it out, lock it with a password, and even locate where it is with find my iphone https://www.icloud.com/

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  9. hmm weird...steering speed is perfect in 37.117 but without self centering makes it hard to really drive and have fun...If it would self center in 37 and slow the steering down in 38 both versions would be perfect for leagues and just bashing around for me.

  10. Edit: After going back and installing Marks map for Xbox controller set up it works well for me except for 2. Is there a way to change the Rear steering to the unused Analog Stick? And is there a way to slow the steering down? I like the way it is on Keyboard but i like the more throttle control of the controller. Thanks

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