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Posts posted by DDT

  1. Ill list mine


    5. Arhnem 2011



    When this track was released i spent HOURS at a time playing on it. Not only is it a fun track but its not identical to almost every other Chicago style racing track like most 2011 tracks were. AND it also started off the year that has contained the best tracks made for ROR.


    4. Phoenix 2012



    This track is my home town track that i go to every year and was excited to see it in the works months ago since i have been wanting to see a Phoenix track made in Blender ever since SM Season 1 started with the blender tracks. This track is also not exactly the same as every other So-Cal style track and while its a little cramped it still provides plenty of stuff to be done and you really need to think to get a smooth FS in.


    3. Fall Madness 2



    This track i can say so far has the most unique racing track of any track released on this site. Like already said it provides PLENTY of combos that can be done and PLENTY of air to be made off of the obstacles. The track is a blast to drive and can still see me having fun on it next year and even the year after.


    2. World Finals 13



    like already stated this track is EASILY the most anticipated track ever on ROR SM ever since Klayton showed it in the works right after the first shots of the track were released. This track is a lot of fun and i have spent countless of hours on the track and even replicated the real WF13 FS portion the best ROR will let me. Track looks great and this probably has changed how ROR SM tracks are made for now on.


    1. Cincinnati 2011



    Cincinnati 2011 is a track i have spent at least a hundred hours on since its been released. NO other track released is like it and the obstacles can throw you if places you dont want to be if your not careful. Its my favorite place to run V4 trucks and no freestyle is the same due to how the obstacles can throw you and the track looks great even though its not made the same Klaytons new tracks are.


    Honorable Mentions

    Just about every track released in 2012

    Just thinking about 5 tracks was hard......Every track released in 2012 has been great in there own way and all deserve to be in a top 5 list of at least 1 person.

  2. High Beams are for when its really dark out and your in a place you need to see more of the road then the normal brightness lets you. Fog lights are bright yes but they are designed to aim directly at the road and dont cause as much reflection while your bright headlights illuminate more there also creating more reflection.

  3. the only type of chassis you would need to weld would be tubers...CPE and ZRP are chassis kits that you order that you put together then attach your axles and everything else to

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