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Posts posted by DDT

  1. GTA SA is a blast to play, games been out like what 8 years already and i still love just hopping on and i get lost in time just running around taking everyone out (had to put it in a way i dont think breaks forum rules) The map is huge and has a good variety of everything. Storyline isnt very short and is a great way to pass time, Then once you beat it theres plenty of mods if you start getting bored of it. And if your interested the game has quite a few myths in it that are fun and kinda interesting

  2. Hope you guys enjoyed the cars i tossed up recently...including the 2012 Forza Horizon Pre-Order Dodge Challenger....i tossed 2 up today a Horizon decaled auto tuned to R2 and a stock one i painted red....enjoy

  3. Yeah it works...i have 37. 38. and the new 4 version all installed and now problems....when it installs it will say theres a older version installed would you like to delete it all..(one of the very first things it asks) just tell it no and it will install the newer version without deleting the old...only problem is if you want vehicles/tracks to be in both you have to put it in both versions folders

  4. Well Then

    (No specific Order)

    1. The Fast and The Furious

    2. 2Fast2Furious

    3. The Fast and The Furious Tokyo Drift

    4. Fast and The Furious(The 4th one)

    5. Fast Five


    (No Specific Order)

    1. Fast Furious Movies

    2. Scary Movie Series (Comedies)

    3. meet the Spartans

    4. Farce of The Penguins (Makes fun of March of the Penguins, Its HILARIOUS....ill be livestreaming it sometime soon)

    5. 300

  5. Certain things are cool to see when a truck is broken....like when a tire broke off completely spindle and all they let the truck continue and still do (Metal Mulisha Phoenix 2012) when they see that even though a tire broke off nothing is going to go flying off the truck.....Its always been that way if a trucks broke as long as its safe for the driver and fans they will let them keep going...if theres a chance something that broke could injure the driver or fly into the crowd they stop the run there....Thats why when a shock breaks they let the drivers continue because nothing will fly off....The drivers know they will feel everything even more and be in a little more pain and have some more bruises but the drivers walk away from the truck still and are not injured besides the typical bruising.

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