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Everything posted by DDT

  1. DDT

    170 Users online

    yeah its insane...wasnt the 217 people on here when the WF11 track was being uploaded because i remember then we had about every member on here then on refreshing to get it first
  2. So im not the only one laughing at everyone who is probably cussing out the site and everyone on it or jumping up and down everywhere pressing F5 1000 times a minute because V4 wasnt uploaded directly on the hour
  3. alright ill be back in about an hour and a half.....dont want to have to deal with everyone racing to get the pack first hahah
  4. I already know that even with this being said it will still be asked about 35 times today but when V4 is released there is a 99.999% chance you will have to remove V3 and put V4 to work. AND based off whats been said it will work perfectly for RoR 37.XXX and same with V3 anything past RoR Version 38.19 some trucks wont work and some may crash your game.
  5. I was wondering the same recently and spent an hour trying to figure out how in my profile then just gave up Edit....no even with 541 posts i still cant seem to be able to do it....my guess is a mod can do it for ya if you ask
  6. Certain trucks may have different sounds but most of them will be the same
  7. I completely agree.....V4 isnt even uploaded and they are already asking about the next pack....same thing happened before V3 was even uploaded
  8. DDT

    error 3

    what version are you running? If its anything above 39.19 then some trucks crash the game causing that error
  9. so am i but we mean goodbye V3 because we are pulling it out of out games and replacing with V4 so its not gonna be the pack we run anymore
  10. oh no....^^^^^^ no offence but i really hope this isnt the same Team Meents we dealt with in the past
  11. that video is not very new....and i to did a video to mourn the retirement of V3 but mine was my very last V3 freestyles.
  12. RORFans gonna be waiting awhile. But glad to see the countdown is entering 24 hours left
  13. im guessing it wont even be on the site till probable around 3 oclock EST so youll be waiting a while
  14. oh yes thats why it looked familiar hahaha
  15. That is what im talking about....what track is that because it looks familiar?
  16. is there any good terrains then for this version? all my game has is the standard basic empty grey terrain
  17. thats dumb...im deleting it...sucks to because i like the new Dash HUD
  18. Has anyone been able to have it load tracks? No matter where i put them this version will find them but the only map that pops up in the map selector is the basic terrain that has nothing on it
  19. You can still stall trucks in 2nd gear in V3 and since 2nd gear is the highest for V4 i wouldnt be surprised if you can stall them to
  20. actually not really....everywhere i look a normal stampede is around 199 and these MJ ones are 235
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