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Everything posted by DDT

  1. no more dang backflips already they are stupid and dont belong in monster trucks
  2. I agree ^^^^ i think black is cool yellow is ugly
  3. they are Command 1 and Command 2
  4. oh ok gotcha, weird the chassis looks that way
  5. The paint looks great but the chassis looks V3, maybe because it looks flat
  6. GTA SA is a blast to play, games been out like what 8 years already and i still love just hopping on and i get lost in time just running around taking everyone out (had to put it in a way i dont think breaks forum rules) The map is huge and has a good variety of everything. Storyline isnt very short and is a great way to pass time, Then once you beat it theres plenty of mods if you start getting bored of it. And if your interested the game has quite a few myths in it that are fun and kinda interesting
  7. its a GTA series game......OF COURSE IM BUYING hahahha
  8. If im not busy im down Time: Sometime after 1pm MST Name; Dustyn Trueblood GT:BiasLeaf122
  9. DDT

    Black Ops 2

    Ill be getting it but not instantly....maybe order it online during black friday or a christmas sell
  10. Good luck Mark...hope everything turns out well
  11. Same here i heard that all chassis running need to have extra bracing new or old
  12. Spike should still be run....as far as i know of they are running Mega-Bite body some events and Spike body some events just like they have been since WF13
  13. Hope you guys enjoyed the cars i tossed up recently...including the 2012 Forza Horizon Pre-Order Dodge Challenger....i tossed 2 up today a Horizon decaled auto tuned to R2 and a stock one i painted red....enjoy
  14. Would be cool if they got rid of Wolverine....and hope not i like Lupe in Grinder...also heard that in Chase Field Daron Basl will be in King Krunch, David Smith will be in Nitro Hornet.....Not official but thats what i heard
  15. DDT

    .37 + .39

    Yeah it works...i have 37. 38. and the new 4 version all installed and now problems....when it installs it will say theres a older version installed would you like to delete it all..(one of the very first things it asks) just tell it no and it will install the newer version without deleting the old...only problem is if you want vehicles/tracks to be in both you have to put it in both versions folders
  16. Hell Yeah Tod Leduc and Metal Mulisha in Phoenix again...maybe Deegan will drive again
  17. DDT

    Toyota's taco raptor

    I wouldnt buy the toyota, you may not be able to stop (if you know what i mean) But i agree with Kozak
  18. Well Then (No specific Order) 1. The Fast and The Furious 2. 2Fast2Furious 3. The Fast and The Furious Tokyo Drift 4. Fast and The Furious(The 4th one) 5. Fast Five Or (No Specific Order) 1. Fast Furious Movies 2. Scary Movie Series (Comedies) 3. meet the Spartans 4. Farce of The Penguins (Makes fun of March of the Penguins, Its HILARIOUS....ill be livestreaming it sometime soon) 5. 300
  19. I have always wanted to know why some specific people decide to view my Profile on this site...guess ill never know

  20. PC do you even have that project anymore? Looks like it would be a blast to run on for fun!!!!
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