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Everything posted by DDT

  1. yeah i know what you mean....when the 18 wheeler was coming right at us rinning a red light i was lucky in out BMW and not our SUV so i was able to speed up really fast or the semi would have hit dead on on my drivers door and probably would have torn the car in half right where my dad and i were sitting...heck even after flooring it last milli second the semi came so close to the car we thought he scrapped the back bumper. But thats got to be a shock getting out and knowing you were actually hit by a big truck like the semi
  2. yeah 18 wheelers coming right at you is scary stuff(my last post shows i know how that feels) but at least you can say you walked away from a car accident with a 18 wheeler. But i am glad to hear everything is ok i mean you could be in a body bag right now like sadly some very unlucky people are
  3. DDT

    Slender Man Game

    once i get a better pc Amnesia is on top of my list to get along with finally having a pc that will play GTA 4
  4. Well i live in Az and i do like the Az tea so im saying Az....but i would rather have a life time supply of either Amp energy or Monster Energy
  5. Once V4 is released everyone will have access to the new parts as well
  6. sorry to hear that...i was nearly in a car accident on Tuesday with a 18 wheeler that was speeding threw a red light and if i didnt gun it last second it would have easily torn our car in half and killed my dad and i
  7. DDT

    Slender Man Game

    lol i want all the modes...heck i want to just beat the game 1 TIME!!!! lol best i got is 7 then was killed almost instantly after i got the 7th page
  8. actually i have jumped my Digger stampede about 20 feet in the air and landing on 1 tire at weird angles, all 4 tires picture perfect, on the body mounts, and even on sidewalls and didnt break anything and my only upgrade is RPM caster blocks
  9. DDT

    Slender Man Game

    i have played it like 19 times today alone and best i have ever got is 6 pages(i downloaded the game like 3 days ago)
  10. haha funny Demko see when i drive my car i dont drive anything like i do with my R/C
  11. I do already pay for the parts..i just know the truck can take a beating and if a piece breaks ill just spend the few bucks that most of the pieces cost to replace it
  12. or just drive the truck really hard like i do not caring if you break a part knowing that parts are easy and cheap
  13. Well i now offically have a MAJOR headache after trying to read the last 3-4 posts
  14. DDT

    Post your RC pics

    I have that digger, the normal version of it, and the normal non 30th version of it ill be posting a picture of all 3 hopefully this weekend
  15. Crazy i actually like that color on that car....looks SWEET on the racing version
  16. DDT

    Post your RC pics

    Once i get my new truck this weekend ill be posting my 2 new trucks along with my normal digger stampede
  17. Heck i have been into RC my ENTIRE LIFE....and my normal digger stampede is my very first electric truck i have ever had and i love it.....ordered the purple 30th one and got it the day they came out then returned it and ordered the new purple one with lights before i even opened the first one except to take the body out of it So now i have 2 stampedes and a extra purple digger body i will be putting on my possible 3rd Stampede.
  18. DDT

    Post your RC pics

    Indeed i am lol.... but about nitros honestly i love them, the very first truck i drove was the original TMAXX and have grown up with Nitros...heck my Digger Stampede is my only Electric truck i have ever owned or dealt with...if it wasnt a digger stampede i was going to get either a used Losi LST2 or a new TMAXX
  19. yeah Rocks got to out do everyone lol jk jk but everything is looking great
  20. Happy Birthday

  21. yeah summer part of the seasons are the most confusing but you could be right
  22. interesting...wonder what made them go back or if they are just running the red for certain events
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