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Everything posted by DDT

  1. probably regular because of lag but you could always make it night ingame
  2. one has never been released and one will be in Rocks WF pack once he gets all the tracks made and wants to release it
  3. yeah it only takes 2 seconds to pull one pack out and put the other in
  4. One question, why would you want V3 and V4 to be able to run side to side?
  5. go to the truck file and find where it says tire.png or something like that and delete it but it will get rid of the entire texture and might screw things up
  6. well welcome..f you have any questions feel free to ask by either a post or a PM and we would be happy to respond and enjoy your stay
  7. I think Crazy was making this truck
  8. once i get a job i might have a server put up and have it a SM only server and post the password for it up on here so only non-banned people can get on it and keep it up for good
  9. let me see if i have everything and remember how and i might be able to help you out
  10. \ Josh that is your opinion and i respect that and once i get a job i plan on either having a clod built for me or if i have the time build it my self but traxxas are a lot of fun, they are durable, fast, pretty decent looking and parts are cheap...while clods are nice looking i still think even with one i would still run my traxxas digger and if possible i would put the traxxas digger bodies on my clod once i have one
  11. none yet but im hoping soon..i will order 2 or 3 of these to put on my digger..1 to trash, 1 for display when its not being ran and maybe a backup bash body....will do the same if they release the green one as well oh and a light set for each so im not having to tear the lights out every time i switch the body out between the display body and the bashing bodies
  12. DDT

    IM banned

    i know your probably kidding but just in case someone has there own server on the newest version of ROR and they have hehre name as MLB
  13. DDT

    Post your RC pics

    alright well ill stick with traxxas shocks....i like my shocks being soft so the truck doesnt really bounce when it lands but at the same time dont like hearing the skid plates of the truck smack the ground when ever i hit a ramp or land a jump....maybe ill find a set up i like where the front end its kinda stiff and bouncy and the rear is kinda soft so when i land a jump the right way and time the throttle correctly i can bounce the truck into a slap wheelie like the real trucks do
  14. Rock you and Arf are blowing my mine on how well these tracks are looking
  15. DDT

    IM banned

    i have had MLB beg for things i was driving in his server(not monster truck related) in his own server...man is he annoying
  16. What he did wasnt a double what he did was a backflip with a weird rebound yes he will be...the 30th diggers will be running till the last event in 2012
  17. i completely agree...its one thing to have a backflip attempt as something special as like an encore or something tried right before or after freestyle every now and then like it was at WF10 but once it got to where it is now that events are seeming to be impossible to win unless someone does a backflip(Im talking about WF13) or they start happening in freestyle runs then it has gone way to far...its only cool anymore if it is like what Ryan almost did in Baltimore where that obstacle wasnt designed to do what Ryan did on it it but even then it has crossed the line
  18. exactly...i just wish they would stop doing them all together
  19. DDT

    Can I?

    your best bet would be to just submit the file and hope it gets approved by a Moderator
  20. we considered a update that was released for V1 that included a few more trucks as V2...or some consider it as the RORMJ pack was V1, SM pack 1 was V2 and the current pack is V3 and the one in works is V4 so either way you want to look at it
  21. i wish they would go back to at least what Monster jam was like back in 09 where no one was trying to do backflips or any thing else like that it was just get some good air and some nice saves along with some wheelies and doughnuts and just have fun...and the cars were still actually being crushed by the trucks...but with all the kids wanting to see backflips we shouldnt be surprised ones going to be attempted
  22. DDT

    Post your RC pics

    you should post it anyways i mean its not like my digger body was in good shape
  23. I should make it Name Dustyn Trueblood Truck: Cowboy Aim:Dustyn1@live.com
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