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Posts posted by DDT

  1. 2 things can help you out...1 never go into third gear and 2 when you first start out use the brake and slow down and downshift into first and just take the turns slowly at first then once you get the hang of it speed up the turn a bit then keep doing that and you will be able to slide the truck around the turn pretty fast without down shifting in no time....also counter steer your rear steering with your front steering as you start then progress then once you get the hang of it try turning like Tom does and if you dont like it that way then just go back to counter steering through the turns...i do that i and have won a lot of races so just find a way you like to turn and try to turn that way as fast as you can and you will get the hang of it

  2. if thats true then im a little disappointed because i was looking forward to seeing a 30th anniversary paint job up close and in person on January 28th

    Just read comment he posted he said the 30th anniversary paints will be ran at the start of January

  3. Not really liking how they keep bringing in more and more super hero trucks.....also not liking how there taking Fortune out of Super man and putting him in America and Alex out of Captains Curse to drive Wolverine. And Monster Mopar sounds no where near as cool as Mopar Magic on a monster truck

  4. I did basically the same thing as Jrob, except I did it with Predator. I used this for the RoR Outlaws WF. I would release it here but everyone knows it's not really release worthy, but I guess if you guys want it really bad I guess I could try.

    if you dont mind telling me can you tell me where you got WF10 from....is it a track you or a friend made or was it released somewhere?

    but anyways yeah not feeling that predator paint job

  5. Yeah the only thing im not too thrilled about is no MAximum Destruction in Chase Field.... but its gunna be one helluva show!

    indeed it will be a great show but for max d i couldnt care less because we would get Kreg and his max D is ugly and in my opinion he isnt that great of a driver....if we had a chance to get tom it would be a diffrent story but instead we get SUD and Leduc in Mulisha so that makes up for it

  6. I dont mind the new stuff i was just asking if there was a way to get the original Max D back to the original body instead of both of the trucks being the updated. I actually do like the new trucks you are posting pics up and i will download them for 37 and use the V3 pack in 38.19. Also RKM if you would like you can shut this topic down since i just deleted the pack and installed the original zip for 38

  7. Well im just wondering because everyone else i know has the updated max d and the original V3 max D still but both of mine are the updated version.....not saying its bad looking i was just wondering if there was a way i can get both version back like everyone i know has.

  8. Ok when the MaxD/Avenger updates were put up for download i downloaded them. Ever since then the updated MaxD and the original V3 pack MaxD have the updated bodies along with Team Meents and i am seeing people have the original body and was wondering how do i fix it because i liked the older body better...would i have to re-download the pack and have it over write all the files or what?

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  9. i came in a tie in 4th for fs and lost in round 1.....next week if there is a event i will try my best to qualify higher up into the field and actually make it into bonus time and not roll 4 seconds before hand all in all great event and i wish i was able to stay till the end

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