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Posts posted by DDT

  1. Sweet SON UVA DIGGER in Chase Field.....I have not missed a single event there besides 2010 when i went to the glendalee and chase event in 09...my dad also gets to meet the person that got him to like monster jam Linsey Weenk also good to see Marc McDonald he does pretty well in Chase Field and i dont recall seeing Carl Van Horn in a while at chase field if at all and is Get R Done and Detour making debuts there or what because i have not heard of them

  2. yeah i am having some major problems with slinger having no chassis and body and diggers chassis going sideways through the body, besides that the only small problem i have is the inside body of avenger is a little messed up but its nothing major

    Also one question was digger 7 ever released?

  3. The Cowboy team has arrived to Vegas after not showing up to any events of the season.


    When asked why Dustyn didnt show up at any events he replied with " During the season i have had some some family deaths and almost had 2 others pass away as well with everything going on the season was the last thing on my mind. But believe me i will sign up for season 3 and i will make it to events." No body knew who he was because he wasnt at any events so his pit party line was almost always empty


    Before qualifying he did give the fans a little photo op


    And even though he wasnt part of the field he destroyed his truck in front of the fans with a second photo op to leave his mark on Vegas


  4. A few things about the Digger; the GD logo shouldn't be the stacked one if you're going for exactly what the design is, but anyways, the 3 and the logo need to be bigger and the 3 needs a black outline. Looking good though.

    he said it was just an idea of his i guess based of the Normal looking paint

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