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Everything posted by Crazyboy335

  1. Well that sucks. Regan's a great driver that never gets a chance. Your thoughts?
  2. What I'd like to see is the old trailer jumps from WF3, WF5, and WF7 from what I recall.
  3. Just happened, thank god for NR2003's timing going only to the thousandths. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3r2023/
  4. Move V4, regenerate the cache, and put it back in.
  5. http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qt840/ http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3qyzdk/ http://www.quickmeme.com/meme/3r1fu8/ EDIT: Quadpost
  6. now the real question is, who would use it and what would the name be?
  7. I'm not begging but this happens sometimes, and I don't really care..
  8. Actually, with. I think this would be an awesome shotgun, especially for the Heavy.
  9. I, too, come from CrapBlox, and I have brought my custom over. Name: American Nightmare Body: Chevrolet Silverado - in other words, the Incinerator body. Chassis: Incinerator chassis (I don't know about chassis) Paint (images of color/graphics): Police-style, like this: Other details: -Lightbar on top if possible -Sponsor is Exide Batteries -Wheels are red and blue, like so (right first, then left in demonstration): O O, O O. Thanks a ton if you make this. Decals will be up soon.
  10. Awesome work Rock. Though I have 1 question: Are there going to be split/open/locked diffs on this beauty?
  11. Nice to see Dinger back. Can't wait to see a 2013 model for his car.
  12. I corkscrewed a Ford Fiesta. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnOlhSo28vM&feature=plcp yes this is a video game
  13. Quit asking for stuff. It won't be released.
  14. Oh, about my fail, the truck's actually off the ground. It got stuck in the pole.
  15. Not sure if this is a glitch or if this is supposed to be like this. Truck: Rap Attack Error: Front and rear tires are different
  16. Some finishes from just now on the SM server: by the way, I'm in Incinerator
  17. Did you make sure you removed V3 first? You don't need to clear the cache.
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