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Xander DP

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Everything posted by Xander DP

  1. Alex Parrish Avenger 2015 Inuyasha_parrish@yahoo.com I'll be there.
  2. Name: Alex Parrish Aim: Alex Parrish Truck: Walking Tall Download Link: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1271-edy-beltran-v4-updates/ Truck Filename: Walking Tall? Rank: For he's a jolly good Rookie~ Reason: I've never actually competed in a series before and I actually feel like I'll do pretty good.
  3. Can I sign up? if so, what trucks are available?
  4. is there any way that I can attend this event?
  5. I really want to join. I've never done a fun run before
  6. I could find a dozen other people that agree it would look better on an escalade body. I'm not trying to start an argument honest. I've played around with that truck in game, if you rip the front bumper off of that thing while it's painted black and green it looks vaguely like Monster Energy.
  7. The uh... liberator needs to go on an escalade body... not a 2xtreme. it's clearly an escalade.
  8. Xander DP

    Minny 2013

    being that I was there, I can say the backflips are wrong, and the bus sticks out WAY too much.
  9. I'm going to go a head and say that the sides of the quintuples were rounded inward. and there was a backflip wall at the back. and youre missing the weird dirt platform at the endzone.
  10. I find it funny that since I created the obstacles you are using as turning obstacles, everyone thinks they are step ups. I created them to be the obstacles they have been using for a year or two, lol, the two cars with the jammers on one side. I figured since they were taking the jammer part out, I would too. (this is Alex Parrish btw)
  11. I cant start my RoR... I'll click to run, it will pop up and dissapear, so I went to try the config, and it does the same thing... help???
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