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Everything posted by Mjamfan22

  1. Well start of paint (By Edy) Guys give me feedback, because i can do the texture myself and see if it comes out better or not.
  2. those racing lanes aren't permanate, should have stated that, it is just a reference for me
  3. used most of that already, the angles where a little off so it was hard to judge angles of ramp and i would like a view of the other side, but those pics helped a lot
  4. Back section of World Finals 15 like where the back to back backflip was
  5. i like, and always wanted to research alpha splatting i have it bookmarked, but i never did
  6. welp custom world finals 4 is now done and so is custom sydney.
  7. Welp! This is big for me and Edy! I present you WORLD FINALS 15 RACING! I am doing the modeling and Edy is painting, since I can not paint worth ****.
  8. meh, toshiba and acer laptop, i feel so poor.
  9. hey guys go check out Custom World Finals 3, I updated it and fixed some stuff on the freestyle track! Go check out Custom World Finals 4 beta, I also updated it! Sorry for the double post but. All she needs is some paint and it will be done
  10. Well he is a preview and a question. Why is this black?
  11. custom world finals 4 beta is out! and yea i stole marks idea, that cool mark? try to give me some feedback or ideas with CWF4 guys, i want yall to help out and i will be updated custom world finals 3 tonight because i found some issues
  12. File Name: Custom World Finals 4 File Submitter: monster jam fan File Submitted: 23 Apr 2014 File Category: Tracks Beta Click here to download this file
  13. I agree and with the jumps in the racing lane, i exported and tested it, it works ok, imma have to do some work. But for now enjoy the Public Beta
  14. Here is the Quad. I think i might ass cars, because this track looks stupid without them, we will see
  15. another obstacle, i was challenged not to use cars so here we go.
  16. CWF4 since CWF3 will be used in WR and CWF4 will be used in RERS
  17. I can't make stadiums for S**t. Anywayyyy... Driving back from Houston so ill be posting some stuff during the ride. First of all, I thank everyone who downloads my stuff because for the first time, I reached Top Author!
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