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Everything posted by Mjamfan22

  1. Cannon, I haven't asked him for any pics, just a few questions
  2. Got a team? I wouldn't mine teaming with you after that fun run the other night lol. That truck looks awesome btw.
  3. Go check out _pel1can_p1noy_n1gga on Instagram (Klayton you need to for the beta) it has great reference pics
  4. 1) Both containers are backflips 2) I asked and we will be getting shots of them painting the track 3) I asked and they said they are setting up for freestyle so they are gonna change some stuff for freestyle! The thing that angers me is both of the containers are backflips
  5. I love how I'm in the making of making a track like that :0
  6. Wow just image two trucks coming from the tunnel and racing Chicago or Anaheim style! That would be "interesting"
  7. Ok is it just me but 1. Everything is no curved(can still be working on it) 2. Both sides or identical so something may be new for racing. I have no idea! And about to go follow this dude
  8. Wow, was it me, or that broke really easy. Is that just because it is MonsterX or what
  9. FELD would make amazing things (game wise) if they put money into it. If they did that then they would make more money. The owner the trucks and can't even make a good looking model or physics for one. I can understand the photoshop thing because they want be to get excited for WF15, but there Console and IOS games SUCK.
  10. Hey Rock, are you gonna release WF15 Beta with some of those textures, if so that would be awesome so i can you it on my new CWF because I am redoing the textures on it. Nevermind, I will just wait
  11. http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3373516273 Not My House lol
  12. i figured out but the only thing i need now is how to get the shiny light thing off off the new material file. Thanks By the way I think i got it now
  13. Guys, i have all the things i need im pretty sure.When I export all i get is a .scene. can someone help me out. I really want get this track exported and tested.
  14. Thanks Guys. and MonsterJam2008- 1. I hope it will too 2. I was thinking of was to change it up for CWF3 already;)
  15. well, the odds is photoshop because that pic is photoshop. (scott d. odds)
  16. Not Danny:( My bad. and about that I didn't want it to be like a straight hard edge but i'll touch it up. Thanks
  17. I was just looking and there is almost 3,000 members! Are all of you guys gonna do something for 3,000 members or is it not a big deal?
  18. Since WF15 is gonna be in like 5 days I decided to work on a Custom World Finals 2. I deleted every other project i started on because I am doing stuff differently know so yea hope you guys like this little preview. Here it is! Custom World Finals 2 Racing! I'm gonna start Freestyle soon.
  19. http://puu.sh/7wfgF.jpg Guys, look at the background. I may be an idiot for asking this, but what world Finals is that picture of. It can't be 15, but it has Fox Sports colors.. ??????
  20. It looks like another crappy unrealistic monster jam game.
  21. Well, decided to start making a trophy truck track at Sam Boyd. (I know i put "Trophie" at the top)
  22. This is what I have been working on. I finished this side of the stadium, now to the other side...
  23. I deleted the other one, I will try to save it. For people with good computers. Can't seem to find it. It is a custom.
  24. Since everyone was complaining about verts, i redid the track with not as much verts and I actually recorded and im gonna post a time lapse on my youtube. I just started the render in sony vegas actually.
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