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Everything posted by Mjamfan22

  1. Still have one more version to texture.
  2. still got a little work to do to not make it so bland
  3. And the textures are done For racing at least.
  4. Intresting racing design by Me and Andrew Sheets. This will be used as RERS World Finals. A lot left to go! Enjoy the preview!
  5. My project was just passed up lol
  6. Updated: http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1411-revamped-mohawk-warrior/ Most likely will have one more update and it will be good! Freestyle is done, now for the textures (I still have to do RKM's idea and then crush some cars)
  7. by the way Mark and Jose made it on the containers if no one noticed and yea ill do that make and still gotta do RKM's idea.
  8. Do you guys like this?? is this worth saving?
  9. Lowed the triple. I think Racing is done. EDIT-That is not the real texture
  10. well basically im going for world finals 15, racing track eith a different track for freestyle and i will do that because i love that idea. and should i make a freestyle version of racing just for the hell of it. because someone asked me to do that and still do the seperate freestyle track. as always thanks for feedback. i love hearing you guys' ideas
  11. http://puu.sh/7Q64A.jpg If the picture doesn't work
  12. File Name: Custom World Finals 2 File Submitter: monster jam fan File Submitted: 30 Mar 2014 File Category: Tracks This track will be used as the OMJL World Finals. I had fun making this so ENJOY! Don't hate on the double, it just wouldn't work. I exported the Encore version 12 times and no luck with anyone doing a Double, that is the closes it will be. Credit: -Me -Klayton Click here to download this file
  13. I didn't know where to post this but.. If you want your name to be on the sea container fill out why do you want to be on the sea container? Instead of doing a bunch of names, imma do one big name on each container. I have two containers so i will pick two names. So just tell me why do you want to be on the sea container??? GO!
  14. Im making another one for this league so its all good
  15. Custom World Finals 2 waiting approval!
  16. 1,057 downloads

    This track will be used as the OMJL World Finals. I had fun making this so ENJOY! Don't hate on the double, it just wouldn't work. I exported the Encore version 12 times and no luck with anyone doing a Double, that is the closes it will be. Credit: -Me -Klayton
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