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Everything posted by MONSTERJAM1234

  1. Nice job Boom! Knew anybody could beat my poor time.xD.
  2. I had a 19.63, anyone can beat that, XD.
  3. Eric D. Grave Digger eric.demann@aol.com
  4. If I can get into Season 3, defently gonna try out the smaller arenas first. Question, If I can sign up for S3 and i wanted to be Wolverine, can I? Just wondering cause it has a racing title and I don't have any titles. So just wondering. Thanks.
  5. Captain's Curse has qualifyed and if being driven by Pablo Huffaker!!!!
  6. Hi it's me again. I'm just wondering if there still around. I just got Atlanta 2009 and im loving it. I know the old sites down, so i want to know if there is any other sites that have them Sorry if im being a pain but im just wondering cause id really like some more. Thanks.
  7. Name: Verizon Center. Racing Style: One by One, Side by Side, darg race to the finish. Replica or Custom: It's a Replica. Date Ran: It ran from Jan. 27-29 2012. Images or Graphics: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=monster+jam+at+verizon+center&hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&biw=1366&bih=658&tbm=isch&tbnid=Mx9d9cD6YQzOHM:&imgrefurl=http://dcist.com/2011/01/photo_of_the_day_january_30_2011.php&docid=reUc5YdcZy1QcM&imgurl=http://dcist.com/attachments/Catherine%252520Finn/2011_0130_crush.jpg&w=500&h=404&ei=m0hIT4iRPKi50AG7172tDg&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=1075&vpy=151&dur=90&hovh=202&hovw=250&tx=168&ty=115&sig=104028369918662033665&page=1&tbnh=145&tbnw=172&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0 AND http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ereFtBsbFYc. Other Details: When in freestyle, theres an extra van stack in the corner of the arena. Thanks.
  8. So cool, the trucks work just like the real thing!
  9. Srry, yellow on the left and red on the right. car jumps that is.
  10. Name: Console Energy Center Pittsburgh, PA. Racing Style: One by one, side by side drag race. Replica or Custom: It's a replica. Date Ran: It ran Feb. 17-19 2012. Image/ Graphics: I couldn't find any images nut ill give a link from youtube so you guys can see what it looks like. Just copy and paste in into the Search bar on the top of the page. Here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKyQnn8S690. Other details: At its normal stage, its a hockey arena. It has a closed roof. There's only three jumps to hit. A red car stack on the left. A Dirt jump in the middle. And a yellow car stack on the right. It's small, not that small though. If you ever watched the Pittsburgh Penguins play, Then thats the arena. Thanks.
  11. Yes!! Finally, another small arena or to me, a Thunder Nationals track.
  12. i cant find it, which form, like the season 2 replcia or custom?? And then what is the title of the fourm?
  13. Name: Eric D. AIM: lynn2052@comcast.net Truck: Lucas Oil Crusader.
  14. Sounds awsome, hope i can be in it. Im new but mabye, JUST mabye i could make it in.
  15. Hi, but how do you do that??? It would be cool if i could do that .
  16. Madusa, Iron man, Northern Nighmare, and Grave Digger The Legened have qualfyied.
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