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Everything posted by RKM

  1. I don't see a resemblance, Speed Energy did share the image on Facebook earlier so perhaps that's a hint?
  2. Seriously though, you don't have to like every idea that pops up on here but pretty much any thought of something if done right can be pretty awesome, example is the image above this post. If you don't like it then don't post, one reason I myself don't post as much.
  3. I wouldn't considering it's a legitimate problem that needs to be dealt with in some way after all the stuff that's happened.
  4. I've done that before, believe it was at Daytona when it was being tested before release that I wheelied right in between the dumpsters. Not so much of fails but there are some. (First KOTH full event sweep) All I have for now, wish someone had a picture from Anaheim Season 1 when someone got stuck at the end of the tunnel.
  5. Nice to see more people taking the curved ramp approach! Glad it's catching on, makes them smooth and doesn't typically kick the front of the truck skyward (as an example let's use ARF's Fayette). Looks like a fun track too.
  6. Just getting started on extra details for this thing...
  7. Personal preference really but I prefer obstacle by obstacle then the last things I build are the floor and stadium/arena.
  8. 9 revolution sidewall donut without rolling. Various 180s on and off of the ground Double barrel roll in an arena Flawless Double backflip in an arena & stadium Far too many saves to count where I just floored it and expected to crash only to pull off a spectacular save or save into a crash 180 Backflip Just use your imagination after watching one of my freestyles on YouTube.
  9. Pretty sure I had a similar issue in the past however I don't remember it well or how it was fixed. I have this problem with tracks a lot to but it's easy to just flip the normals before attaching to export which is what I thought this thread might have been at first because from an odd angle it can look like you have no texture or the object is completely gone if you're in textured mode.
  10. Kurt Busch while channeling Ricky Bobby.
  11. Not everything on this site revolves around Rigs of Rods.
  12. Broker looks good, my favorite version of it too! You could make/release them anyway then the resources are there for all who desire to use them? (I plan to do the same with a lot of the things I've made but haven't released separately)
  13. Nice to see you already making things, if you need a hand with anything toss me a message. Everything else is looking good too.
  14. Was wondering, I could see them being useful if they came on w/ interior lights or something to illuminate the steps but the blue threw me off on that and made me think volunteer police/fire/ems but not sure what Canada's light laws are for that kind of thing. Then move lol
  15. There a purpose to the LED's or just after attention with them?
  16. RKM

    Another noob

    If you're on a laptop the F keys generally have dual functions which can screw that up which I found out while using my sisters laptop for a few months which if that is the case you can just re-assign them to regular number keys (1&2 for example) also this isn't the proper section to ask for help. http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/forum/23-help-and-support/
  17. RKM


    There is a name I haven't seen for awhile, Welcome to ROR & Sim-Monsters!
  18. If you don't get any interest here try ebay and Craigslist, you'll probably be able to sell off the signed Harvick one fairly quick. I'd offer but I'm in a similar situation so best of luck getting some interest and hope everything improves for you soon.
  19. Since it's somewhat a custom I'm not sure if they'd let you add it or not, could just release it separately after the pack is done. Also am I the only person getting tired of threads in all caps crying for attention?
  20. Just cause someone else is making the same thing doesn't mean you should delete yours, make a custom track if your so worried about that then no one will be making the same thing.
  21. You'll make friends in no time.
  22. I still know how to do some things...
  23. I'll just link to my Facebook Monster Truck album since it's public. http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.2090639225730.2103629.1237724988&type=3 Feel free to use what you want as long as you credit me if you post them anywhere.
  24. RKM

    (Vehicles) Dub 2

    Everyone starts somewhere.
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