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Everything posted by RKM

  1. Going to assume you're female since your profile doesn't say and I haven't been following much on here lately but that is one of the many reasons why there are pretty much no female racers here, they don't know how to react...of course you could always be a guy trolling everyone (use that for your next cifpo encounter. Far as the public server bit though that is the #1 reason you won't ever knowingly find me playing on those (though more its due to a slow computer & internet now) but I always used an alias for those servers.
  2. If you're just going to use it for taking pictures you could just use one of the tracks with the white outside that isn't textured then you could just select it and edit it....unless of course your truck is white then it might not work too good; best bet for this type of thing is to pick a really off the wall color you don't ever see on a monster truck to make it easier.
  3. RKM

    League Idea

    Yeah, people like me who can't race for....anything.
  4. I know exactly how you feel Mark, I went through all the same BS back in the MTM2 days and apparently some people still can't get over themselves from back then when we were all just ignorant kids who didn't know what the hell we were doing, it's also one of the main reasons before all the stuff with my old computer and internet I wasn't hanging around SM or ROR in general. Sometimes we don't think before we speak (or type in most of these cases)...I don't care who you are and what you say but we're all guilty of doing this more then any of us will admit it. We just need to realize that for some a peaceful place with games can be an escape from something eating away at us. One of the reasons I usually talk to the same people on AIM, Skype, Facebook, etc is because I've known them long enough to when when their just screwing around and serious....I don't know everyone else on here that well but I always found it rather low when if something happened in an event or I wrote something stupid in a chat pretty much everyone was against me (some of you still are) when I probably can't even remember all of your names. I think I've said enough and I'm sure some (or several) will continue giving me crap over the past which is fine because I honestly stopped caring what people say about me or try to bring my mood down to make themselves better a long time ago. Your true friend and in some cases family are who you surround yourself with, not who you're related to through blood or marriage. Last thing I can think to add is think before you speak, you never know who or how you might help someone.
  5. And everyone said I was a bad mod...
  6. I think he hitches his mini wagon to the back of the larger one.
  7. No offense Tyler but to me I think you're overplaying stuff from last year just for Daytona, if you were mentioning the entire season I would likely agree but just Daytona I can't...while yes some do run better at plate tracks then others its not really fair due to the insane amount of wild action that happens (see bud shoot out last year). As long as you don't wreck or endure some other catastrophic failure you still have shot to win Daytona....and don't forget the cars are probably going to handle way different compared to last years 500. Not trying to start anything just stating I don't really agree with giving "driver x" a higher chance to win over "driver y" is all. The only momentum you have at Daytona is from whoever you're drafting with and on the last lap it's every man for himself. I think it will be a good race with a lot of good racing action...eventually followed by the big one at some point. What do I think will happen this season other than at just Daytona? Danica causes more then 3 wrecks and blames whoever she hit for causing it or fails at trying to take someone out again and takes out just herself.
  8. Kenseth I think would like a few wins with his new team but he'd probably like a championship more then a 3rd Daytona win. It's a super speedway track, anything that can happen...usually does, wrecks, racing from the back to the front several times etc. Can't just give it to the top 10 for Daytona or Talladega in my eyes. As for who I want to win.. a first time 500 winner but for trucks and nationwide I'll be rooting for KBM but would still like to see the same type of winners.
  9. I don't trust Wikipedia...especially for monster trucks when just about anyone and their grandmother can edit it, quick someone edit in Bigfoot 18! Out of that list if it does turn out to be true I can only agree with Bari being in as he's won quite a few racing events and he wont the shootout last year.
  10. Height wise: Avenger at Wildwood and Pauken at WF11 Distance? Bigfoot's new record.
  11. While the squishy/box5 cars were fun and laggy I'll take realistic truck physic over crushable cars any day.
  12. Never ceases to amaze me how dumb some people are. Welcome to SM Mr. Ice cream ruler...let what WolfPig fan did be a lesson on things you shouldn't do here, otherwise enjoy your stay!
  13. For the record I'm also on Windows 8 (64bit).
  14. My hope would be they bring out an old name that hasn't ran for awhile for them to run.
  15. Configurator pop up and close is either because you need to update your graphics drivers or DirectX, I've had to to just one before and both with my most recent install. Likely unrelated but I've also had issue running RoR unless the main directory is in C:\Program Files (x86)\Rigs of Rods. Try running the installers as an administrator too just to see if it helps with anything (right click -> run as administrator). Mostly going off my own experiences so hopefully it can help you somehow.
  16. It's ok, I do worse every week no matter how many points I get.
  17. Now that I would like video of...
  18. Thanks for updating the poll Roachy, fixed with new image that I corrected the Crushstation typo on as well as adding Joey.
  19. I'd probably be afraid to touch it or even get close to it if the owner was near.
  20. Corviper or Vipette? Looks pretty neat but reminds me of the new Viper.
  21. If you asking for it as a replica it will probably be in V4 and just for the record the chassis is not the same as the old Backdraft.
  22. To stop the quote arguing there is now a poll.
  23. RKM

    The Weather Thread

    Looks like a pretty good change for the majority of the Northeast to get some snow Thursday-Saturday, going to start reading into this and paying attention now that it seems like a legitimate possibility but right now it looks like a few are putting a bulls-eye on New England. Couple of winter storm watches in NE, likely spread south as Friday approaches. (image should update automatically if there are any changes) Source Not expecting much here in PA...especially with how our last few winters have been.
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