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Everything posted by RKM

  1. Nationwide top 5: 1. Kyle Busch 2. Jimmie Johnson 3. Trevor Bayne 4. Brian Scott 5. Carl Edwards Sprint Cup top 5: 1. Marcos Ambrose 2. Kyle Busch 3. Kurt Busch 4. Kevin Harvick 5. Robby Gordon
  2. Let's see yours then. Nice picture party as usual Eric.
  3. You kids need to learn how to read and when to listen to what someone tells you... I'd also quit with the little game in your head unless you guys really don't like it here.
  4. Well if some of you actually read half the stuff that's already posted it wouldn't be something we see every month.
  5. I'll take a wild guess that reading isn't one of your strong points.
  6. Agreed, personally the less chrome..the better and yes that goes for semi's as well. In my opinion at least.
  7. First pack was replaced by the second pack which you guessed it has been replaced by the third pack.
  8. Don't know why you'd of wanted to use his anyways, pretty obvious to me yours seem far more superior. Long as NOTHING conflicts with any of our uploaded trucks you should be fine. I'll reserve my final thoughts until I actually test it, i just hope it doesn't end up the way Ash's did when we got to test them....aside from the playing staff favorites that went along with it but that's for another time.
  9. Someone actually appears smart on here....
  10. Doubt it, truck didn't flip. For anyone wondering that was Darron Schnell driving.
  11. Pff, Robosaurus ate both of them for a snack.
  12. Whose name would also happen to be Matt. Sorry to break it to you Demko but just because someone says "Matt" doesn't mean it's about you.
  13. 1.Warbird - 31.029 2.Grave Digger - 31.247 3.The Punisher - 31.291 4.Predator - 31.605 5.Excaliber - 31.637 6.Wreckless Intent - 31.903 7.Road Rebel - 32.214 8.Sudden Impact - 32.230 9.El Toro Loco - 32.604 10.Colt Cobra - 32.979 11.Night Rider - 32.994 12.Spitfire - 33.010 13.106.7 The Fox - 33.244 14.Safe Auto Minimizer - 33.353 15.Stone Crusher - 33.400 16.Rockstar Energizer - 33.414 17.Anger Management - 33.743 18.Blue Thunder - 34.117 19.Savage X - 34.773 20.Gargoyle - 34.788 21.Bad Habit - 35.178 22.Crushstation - 35.271 23.TMB - 35.491 24.Max D - 35.665 --CUT OFF-- 28.Night Strike - 35.740 29.Rammunition - 37.258 30.Bulldozer - 38.517 31.King Krunch - 38.876 32.Blue Max - 39.093 33.Monster Mutt Dalmatian - 40.888 round 2 1.warbird vs 17.anger management 8.sudden impact vs 9.el toro loco 4.predator vs 13.the fox 5.excaliber vs 12.spitfire 2.grave digger vs 18.blue thunder 7.wreckless intent vs 10.colt cobra 3.punisher vs 14.safe auto 6.road rebel vs 11.night rider ROUND 3 1. warbird vs 9.el toro loco 13. the fox vs 5.excaliber 2.grave digger vs 10.colt cobra 7.wreckless intent vs 11.night rider ROUND 4 1.warbird vs 5. excaliber 10.colt cobra vs 7.wreckless intent FINALS 5.excaliber vs 10.colt cobra Winner: Excaliber Warbird - 35 Grave Digger - 24 The Punisher - 22 Excaliber - 18 Wreckless Intent - 17 Road Rebel - 11 E3 Bigfoot - 34 Sudden Impact - 6 El Toro Loco - 20 Colt Cobra - 14 Night Rider - 14 Spitfire - 21 106.7 The Fox - 31 Safe Auto Minimizer - 29 Anger Management - 16 Blue Thunder - 25 Savage X - 14 Gargoyle - 9 Bad Habit - 19 Crushstation - 36 Max D - 25 Stone Crusher - 19 Predator - 22 TMB - 33 Rockstar Energizer - 31
  14. You can't tell? It's obviously a T-Rex with robot arms.
  15. RKM

    Music thread

    Yay someone besides me that's sick of Metallica. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NWi7ZtAnIbY
  16. I always lie when they ask me.
  17. I miss the down-vote button.
  18. BTW guys make sure you're on the 2011 track so we don't have another Philly on our hands.
  19. MTM2 based revamped some to not eat the truck.
  20. Qualifying should begin soon...hopefully, rain delay.
  21. You mean like this?
  22. File Name: Avenger & MaxD update File Submitter: RKM File Submitted: 07 Aug 2011 File Updated: 07 Aug 2011 File Category: Packs Updated bodies & paint Click here to download this file
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