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Everything posted by RKM

  1. Goes with the above post...
  2. RKM

    Tom to wf...

    Quit whining. Sticking with my theory for a field expansion. Non mobile link... http://www.monsterjam.com/News/2011/06/10/1/
  3. If there is no AIM screename in your signup it will be deleted. We went through this last season and we're not going to let the thread turn into an unorganized mess. So when you sign up make sure you do it right the first time.
  4. Huge push my @$$, I gave you plenty of room but you're too dumb to lift out of it so you basically wrecked me but failed. Not a bad finish, lost all momentum when the 44 decided to block for 5th place going into turn 3 before the white flag. Congrats but you only got that cause we either wrecked or someone decided to be a superhero and block someone with a huge run.
  5. Glad you like it but not every truck that exists is in the pack...if you want that you'd be waiting for YEARS.
  6. Yeah, not doing that is just asking for problems. It works fine and you shouldn't have any issue unless you messed up somewhere because no one else has had any issues at all with it.
  7. SMR Racing Tomorrow? Maybe we can test tonight or something.

  8. File Name: Backdraft 2011 File Submitter: RKM File Submitted: 07 Jun 2011 File Updated: 07 Jun 2011 File Category: Vehicles Add to your V3 pack, clear cache and play. Paint by RKM/Casey Graves Click here to download this file
  9. Mine might conflict but regarding it I'm going to upload both versions of it for that reason, since it's basically an update anyway.
  10. You won't with any track if you have a $1000+ gaming PC....which most of us do NOT have.
  11. That's sexy, I'd drive it. FYI, I like how you guys down-vote actual feedback instead of ego-boosting. I was speaking from experience with sketchup & tracks made with it. Just to prove my point though I can tell from looking the racing "chalk" lines are modeled, there's unneeded verts/faces in probably 80% of the ramps/stadium. Here is an example on one of Ethan's tracks. All those lines you see really close together are not necessary.
  12. Nice track but I can already tell it's going to be a lag fest.
  13. Just means Jimmie isn't winning the cup title again.
  14. Best bet, offer extra hands if they need it (more so with an Independent team will be your best bet) don't get in the way too much, and most importantly....LISTEN!
  15. 1. Yes, it looks good but might be a bit small once it's in-game. A general rule I use is to export a truck chassis or an uploaded track and delete everything off the track besides one car to use as a scale. 2. I'm sure some people can & will but at some point you will want to learn how to do those yourself. 3. Under 20k verts should be fairly decent but there likely will be some FPS drop over cars, to reduce this you can merge all the sides of the cars together making one "seamless" car line which also removes a fair amount of wheel grab that you get on other tracks. To do this you would select 2 verts at a time on the sides of the cars, press W and click on merge. It can take a few tries to get it right and it may also be time consuming but it's usually worth it in the end.
  16. RKM

    Pepsi 200 @ Daytona

    Not our fault you warp badly. Not too bad considering I barely made it, lead a few laps but had to lift to not wreck Casey down the backstretch and lost any chance I had.
  17. READ "This mod was designed for .37.XXX" if you are running a newer version there MAY and/or WILL be problems. 6 months of work and you guys can't even read 4 pages of a damn thread, THAT is SAD.
  18. You can have both installed but remember the pack was not built for .38+.
  19. The official servers are .38+ ONLY, so your best bet is to find one if possible or learn how to host your own.
  20. For your own safety I truly hope you're NOT directing that towards me.
  21. Last truck-pack said to delete the previous one, you guys need to READ. Pretty sad we put 6 months into this and you guys can't even read or use common sense from past truck-packs.
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