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Double.D ッ

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Everything posted by Double.D ッ

  1. No it was very updated. Like, back in December. It has a few unreleased trucks like the ones already stated.
  2. So did you pick a super rad and hip name?
  3. Just as a general question, if someone puts the updated BKT1.mesh in a .zip and it overwrites, will that then cause the managed material to conflict and have textures not show up? Because that's kind of what it seems like it might do.
  4. Devin Doss devindoss@hotmail.com Max-D http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1474-maximum-destruction-pack/
  5. Might actually go to VA Beach this year. Very promising line-up.
  6. This is why we can't have nice things.
  7. Ah, so they're doing what everyone expected them to do, which is invite people no matter how they did in the points series. Eh, who cares. Linsey always puts on quality performances.
  8. So since the MROR World Finals is coming up, I decided to really go all out on my truck. I don't think I've ever put so much time into a paint, and there's really a lot of detail even to my standards. I just hope I do something cool so this gets put into some kind of highlight video so this body and paint can be immortalized for ages to come. I don't mean to be one of those people, but this really is what I consider a piece of art. So without further adieu, MROR World Finals V El Toro Loco! Be gentle with me, this is the first time I've put this much detail into one of my trucks.
  9. FPS versions of truck or tracks usually have texture sizes that are smaller, and most people who have lower-end computers won't have as much lag while on the track or in the truck.
  10. Which is sad considering that was now 2 years ago, and the latest version of a WF track we have is 3 years old. Klayton isn't the only person here that can make World Finals tracks. Holding off making one just because he's been making one for 2 years isn't what should be done.
  11. The things I would do to that arena if it were legal...
  12. I can see your point, but honestly, I don't think there's enough spare names for people to run for how large the talent pool is this year (I don't think Feld owns the rights to Ragin Steel anymore btdubs). Honestly, if it means I get to see the most talented drivers perform during the biggest show in the monster truck industry, I don't care if they're in a Digger or Max-D. If it's the body/chassis style their most comfortable with, then it just adds to how much talent they can show while on the floor.
  13. As some people who know me might know, when it comes to Supercross/Motocross, I'm a bit of a KTM fanboy. So why not make a KTM truck that will actually be released for people to use.
  14. I don't see why people have a problem with multiples of certain trucks at the Finals. Bigfoot can have multiples of their trucks at events and its fine, why is it an issue when Feld wants to do it?
  15. They've been doing tandem obstacle courses since like, week 5. Also, Pauken gets TQ in Syracuse, and Bari wins racing.
  16. The side opposite the camera is actually a launch ramp. I like it.
  17. Devin Doss devindoss@hotmail.com 2014 Northern Nightmare http://sim-monsters.com/index.php?/files/file/1605-2014-northern-nightmare/
  18. One thing, the Basl's don't run the white BKT lettering on their tires, they actually run one of the actual green BKT logos on each tire. I think Johan has a tire texture with that.
  19. I mean, it doesn't matter what the OP said considering you insulted someone's personal life on here.
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