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Double.D ッ

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Posts posted by Double.D ッ

  1. Hmmm, nice concept, but it appears to me that the racing lanes are waaay too cramped. Some of the curves, especially in the staging area, look like you'd have to be suicidal to try them at any kind of speed, in reality or otherwise. I can't tell how steep some of the jumps are, but it looks like there's no way to get settled down before having to start the turn. (the one against the back wall in particular) And, just my little knit-pickery, I'd like to see an easy way back into the track if you somehow jump over the barricades, such as some metal ramps with wheels, or a small dirt ramp. One of my least favorite things in the MTM2 Supercross tracks was having to drive halfway around the course to find somewhere I could get back over the barriers and into the race. Also, maybe add some film crew trucks, tents, and other misc. objects to flesh out those big empty spaces inside the barriers, just to add some aesthetics to the track.


    Like I said, interesting idea but yeah...



    God, I sound just like Harlow...


    And rock, you owe me a new pair of pants! <_<



    I drove on the track earlier, and the obstacles were fine. That one on the back wall is just a hill that you drive over, not really much of a ramp. The lanes are a tad narrow, but they're easy to navigate and gain speed.

  2. Joe Sylvester made an official statement:



    Joe Sylvester Takes on New Venture in Motorsports Industry

    Joe Sylvester Takes on New Venture in Motorsports Industry
    November 26, 2013

    To my fans, sponsors, and the monster truck community, Sunday November 24 was a bitter sweet day for me as I watched something that has taken me 8 years to establish ride off into the sunset in the same 18-wheeler that I have traveled in for some 350,000+ miles to over 320 performances in over 45 states and provinces. It was on this day that the I sold all assets to my monster truck enterprise all the way from spare parts to the bright black and orange transporter itself. However, the BAD HABIT name, still and always will remain with Joe Sylvester Motorsports. I have had a good run the last 8 years, have competed with the best in the business and met some great people along the way. It has been a life changing experience ever since I started back when I was 22 years old and instead of buying a house and going to college to get a degree, I bought a monster truck team and went to truck driving school to get my CDL. This roller coaster ride has had some extreme ups and downs along the way including numerous freestyle and racing victories, 2 world record jumps, and the Monster Jam Young Guns Championship. It's been a hell of a ride and I wouldn't change a thing.

    After evaluating where I am at and where I want to go, it has become obvious to me that I need to focus on my latest passion, short course off road racing. My whole life I have never been one to settle in one place for too long, always pushing myself to the limit, pushing off complacency, pushing through hurdles and smashing through walls, pushing back at all those in my life who said I would fail. After 8 years in monster trucks as an owner and driver, I feel I have accomplished everything I set out to do, and now it is time for a new challenge. The sport of short course off road racing is growing rapidly and I am very excited to be a part of it. The intensity and adrenaline I feel while racing against 20 other trucks door to door is second to none and has now given me a new goal to work towards.

    The good news for my monster truck fans, is that I am not leaving the sport totally, I just will not be owning my own equipment any longer. After all this started coming together, and I realized that I could never totally leave the sport that has helped mold who I am over the past 8 years, I gave a phone call to my good friend Jimmy Creten. After many lengthy discussions and a few talks with some of my long time sponsors, a deal was made where I will be driving a limited Monster Jam schedule behind the wheel of one of 2Xtreme Racing's awesome machines with my BAD HABIT body on the truck. This is a very exciting deal as I get to continue entertaining all the great Monster Jam fans in 2014 with some of the best equipment in the business and retain the identity I have built over the past 8 years. Our sponsorship deals are still in the works and more info will be released soon regarding our marketing partners in 2014. Below is the 2014 Monster Jam schedule for the BAD HABIT truck and the possibility of a summer tour is also in the works.

    January 17-19 :: Sacramento, Ca

    January 25 :: Phoenix, Az

    February 1 :: Houston, Tx

    February 7-9 :: Denver, Co

    February 22 :: Dallas, Tx

    March 7-9 :: Toledo, Oh

    March 20-22 :: Las Vegas, Nv *world finals tentative TBA*

    I want to thank all of my sponsors current and past for all your support over the last 8 years and helping to shape Joe Sylvester Motorsports and the BAD HABIT monster truck into what it is today. We could never accomplish all that we have without great companies standing behind us and putting their trust and faith into what we do. I look forward to continuing relationships with some of you in 2014 and hopefully many years to come and taking you to victory lane in the Torc Off Road Championship Series!

    To my family and friends who have stood behind me every step of the way since day one and always believed in me and helped me achieve my dreams, thank you. I have no doubt that with your support, my new racing venture will quickly become a success.

    To all the drivers and crew members out there who gave me advice, helped me work on my truck late after a show, opened up their shops and homes to me and my rowdy crew, and loaned me parts when I needed them, I am forever grateful and consider you all my friends. My shop in Ohio although no longer will house my monster truck, is still open to anyone passing through that needs a place to work on trucks and wants a home cooked Italian meal!

    Thanks to all the promoters from day 1 that saw something in me and gave me a chance to go out and prove myself at their shows. Feld Entertainment and Monster Jam, thank you for giving me a chance from way back in only my second year in the business and allowing me to be a part of a series that is As BIG as it Gets. Jack Brady, thank you for hiring me for my first ever monster truck show and keeping me around for many years past. Zeke and Vicki from Oler Productions for not only hiring me to perform at so many great places, but for being a great friend out on the road. George Eisenhart from the Monster Nationals, who always told me he hired me because I always followed through with what I said I was going to do since before I even owned a monster truck. Thank you for believing in me and not a day goes by that I don't think about you and the greatness you brought to the sport of monster trucks. Blair and Sabrena Miller of the Cornfield 500, I cant thank you enough for inviting me to be a part of what became one of my favorite events to run all year and for hosting both of my world record jumps. To all the other promoters and track owners who either hired me for one show or ten, thank you for allowing me to entertain your fans with my BAD HABIT.

    To all my crew members, past and present, who have helped keep the BAD HABIT truck up and running for 40+ shows a year. Without you guys, it would not be possible to keep delivering the fans fast paced, exciting entertainment. R.I.P. Brandon Pugh.

    Last but not least, I want to thank all the fans who have supported me and followed myself and the sport of monster trucks. It is so awesome to know how many people's lives I have affected over the years and I thank you for allowing me to entertain you for all these years. I like to think I have some of the most dedicated fans in the sport and I hope you all continue the adventure with me as I tackle a new goal of being an off road racing champion!

    Next time you see me on track will be in Sacramento, Ca for Monster Jam and I can't wait to see what the new season, truck, and new team brings. Once the Monster Jam season is over for us, you can catch me piloting the number 8 Prolite truck in the Torc Off Road Championship Series. (some may notice a pattern here with the number 8, for it has always been my lucky number) Our 2014 Torc schedule will also be announced in the very near future and it is exciting to say the least!

    Good Luck to Jerry Beck from Lafeyette, In and his team. Jerry is the new owner of the truck we built here in Ohio some 5 years ago. I look forward to seeing my old truck continue to entertain fans all across the continent for many years to come.

    Thanks again to everyone I have mentioned and to any that I am sure I forgot for making the past 8 years possible.

    -Joe Sylvester #8 -



    tl;dr - Joe's sold the assets to Bad Habit, but is keeping the name and body. He is now going to compete in the TORC Offroad series in the Prolites.  He's made a deal with Jimmy Creten to run a limited schedule of Monster Jam events in a 2Xtreme chassis, with the Bad Habit body on it.

  3. Okay well, I didn't compete, but I was in the chat and watching the livestream for the duration of tonight's events, so this is coming strictly from a spectator's point of view. I'm not going to name any names here, so if you're looking for what the kids these days call "disses", well you're poo out of luck. I think the blame here lies equally among officials and competitors/spectators. There are many things that probably shouldn't have happened on both sides, and RKM already pointed most of those out, so I won't dive into those. With some people on the officiating team not having much experience with running events, especially events of the caliber of this year's Fall Madness, I think this was doomed from the start. If Fall Madness had remained a 1 day, 1 race bracket, 1 freestyle type of event, I think it could have been pulled of without a hitch. It maybe could have been pulled of barely this year, had there not been some loops thrown at competitors (a loop that happens to look like a 10-foot hill and a removed bus stack) which started the downturn of the chat, 5 minutes before the racing event started. Some officials not enforcing their own rules was also a bit of a problem. I think if maybe there was a bit of shuffling in the hierarchy of the officiating team, this whole event could have been resolved. As I said in the chat though, all of the blame can't be put on the officials just as all of the blame can't be blamed on the competitors/spectators. There were some things done in the chat that shouldn't have been done either, such as causing an uproar whenever a call was blown or someone disagreed with someone else. I think we can all agree that the events that happened during the Fall Madness III Main Event is something that we as a community need to put behind us, and move on with this community.


    I commend all of the officials tonight. They tried their damn hardest to put on an event I wouldn't even think about signing up to be an official for. Tip of the hat to you.



    tl;dr - Officials need to listen to competitors as much as competitors need to listen to officials.

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