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Double.D ッ

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Posts posted by Double.D ッ

  1. Yeah, high school jazz band was one of the greatest times of my life. Been trying to find some kind of ensemble to play with in college now, but having no luck. Guess I'll just have to wait until after I transfer.



    By the way, for any other woodwind players here, I'd highly recommend using Vandoren reeds. They're a bit more pricey, but damn do they have way better quality than Ricos. Also, if you're a sax player that likes playing jazz, I'd also invest in a metal mouthpiece. Great for jazz.

  2. Well, I play saxophone (any sax really, but Alto is my specialty). One of my instruments is a Bundy Selmer that I've had for almost 7 years, and she's still kicking. mj5r2e.jpg

    (Yes it's supposed to look rustic)



    And the newest member of the family, a Jupiter tenor sax that I bought off a friend a couple of months ago.



    I'm also learning trombone and baritone/euphonium from a friend of mine (going from playing treble clef for 7-ish years and switching to bass clef in about a week is not a fun task) so I can broaden my range a bit to get into a music school in a couple years, but those aren't in my possession yet. I do in fact plan on going to school to be a music teacher (what can I say, my high school band director was inspirational). Really big into Drum Corps (if you haven't seen any of that, you should) and the marching arts in general. My taste in music ranges from classical, orchestral, jazz, classic rock, punk, heavy metal, what's left of the metalcore genre that hasn't turned into a techno clusterf*ck, some hardcore, and even a little black metal (mainly Dimmu Borgir).

  3. pardon my ignorance, but does that make Ninio/Ninia redundant words? or are they used for different context?


    I never learned spanish, and i'm just wondering



    If you're referring to Niño and Niña, then they are names for two different weather patterns in the Pacific Ocean. Their literal meanings are Boy and Girl.



    I only took one year of Spanish in high school, and that was 4 years ago when I was a freshman. How I remember these things, I don't know.

  4. Of topic but, whats the difference between "La" and "El"? El is The, if I still retainded a bit of 7th grade spanish, but, I don't temeber much.


    El is the masculine form of "The". Ex: El muchacho=The Boy

    La is the feminine form of "The". Ex: La muchacha=The Girl


    You'll never see El used with a feminine conjugation of a word (noun ending with an "A") and you'll never see La used with a masculine conjugation of a word (noun ending with an "O").

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