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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. I thought the reason you never released it was because it had  Klayton's unreleased axles on it? Sorry if there was some sort of miscommunication past that.

    Updated Landshark, might change to BKT tires once they are released


    Go back to the coilover setup. The first one handled like a charm, and now you are modifying it with those dumb nitrogen things. :P

  2. My dad loved MT's since they started. He took me to an MJ show in the North Charleston Coliseum here in North Charleston, SC, in 1999. It was concrete, and I remember Dennis crashing Digger 12 after doing his wheelie in the wheelie contest, and hearing the sound of the cage hitting the concrete. I thought it was just the neatest thing ever, hearing the sounds, watching what little air they could get in the tiny arena. But it was so much fun, and I've loved Monster Trucks ever since.

  3. Did you install your Blender using the Installation Directory? If not, do that; Then download the Blender 2.49 Essentials file from the site, and drag all of the scripts from that Zip into the scripts folder in your Blender folder in Program Files, once you have Blender installed to the installation directory;

  4. You have to run the mesh through OgreXMLConverter; This is located in your Rigs of Rods Folder in Program Files; I would recommend making a short cut of it to your desktop, so you can just drag the mesh into the converter, and import the xml that it gives you. Keep in mind that if you have the material for the mesh in the same directory as the mesh when converting and importing, it will show up in blender textured; Although some meshes that have I believe 15 or more textures assigned in the material file, will not be able to be imported; You would have to import it without the material file.

  5. Ding ding ding. Now it's working, but I have a non-related problem.


    So I downloaded Wildfire from here but every time I go to drive it the game crashes. No errors pop up. Any ideas?

    Try downloading either my Identity Theft, or Johan's Armed Forces, and if it still doesn't work, take the tire mesh and png's out of either pack, and put it in your V4 Pack.

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