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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. I don't see why there needs to be a separate topic for it, but I personally love it. It combines the secret, evil theme with a body style which I love. I know that most people feel differently on it, but I personally love the truck.

  2. This Is Just Under My  Own Speculation, But With The New Things That Klayton has made and is working on recently, you may see a new pack sometime in the future ;). Again, BEFORE EVERYONE SAYS "OH , OH, BRAND NEW PACK, OMG!" This Is My Own Thought. Thank You.

  3. index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=screenshot&id=1269

    File Name: Daniel Sommerfeld's "High Voltage"

    File Submitter: Jon Cannon

    File Submitted: 27 Dec 2013

    File Category: V4 Customs

    The RoR Version Of Daniel Sommerfeld (trainboy911)'s High Voltage Monster Truck; Do Not Use In Leagues Without First Contacting Him;


    Chassis Constructing, Texturing, And Exporting - Me

    Paint - Chadwick Deerfoot

    Body Texturing And Exporting - Me

    Original Rims - Johan Seminario

    Repaint For The Rims - Me

    Tires - Klayton Halog

    Everything Else - SMV4

    Click here to download this file

  4. And you should delete the old v4.5 tire files and re install the v5 tire files.

    I know... When you download the V5 ones, and put them in the pack, it should replace the V4.5 one that is named UKtire--Thats why I mentioned UKtire2.mesh

  5. It's because Klayton's new ones are named the same as the V4.5 Ones, and the tires are completely different; Download The V5 Tires, and take out UKtire2 if you still have it, because that was part of the V4.5 Tires.

  6. ^ He's Right, You either make a spec map and enable it in the .truck by managedmaterials, or you make modifications to the .material file that you get when you export the mesh. Alot of people don't like the managedmaterials method, so they just get around it by a code that you replace in the .material.

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