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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. Well I'm gonna start off by saying that I hate the idea of just freestyle, and I think a lot of people on here don't like it, possibly being why the Monster Jam Freestyle Mania events didn't run for very long. This is my opinion, but I personally don't like it. Sorry.

  2. Usually when it's png's, there shouldn't be any concern. Meshes, materials, and .truck files are a definite No-No. For The Ukraine's Being White, find the section in the truck file named managedmaterials, or make it, and paste this line right under managedmaterials.


     SOLID/TEX/UKtire.dds mesh_standard UKtire.dds UKtire-spec.dds

  3. Well, Klayton Did Mention when he released the V5 Tires, to delete the old ones, What I would do, Is Delete anything in your V4 Folder With the name UKtire--- Then redownload the V5 Tires, and if you really for whatever reason want the V4.5 Ones, I re-exported them under completely different names, including the PNG, so that they would not conflict. I can send you those if you like.

  4. Well, Here Is My Truck, Still In The Shop Being Worked On; I don't exactly have the money to get it done right this instant, Like another certain Team running in this series does. When It Does Get Done, I hope to get out here and whoop this Billion Dollar Team With Their Billion Dollar Trucks, And Their Billions and Billions of Dollars.



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