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Jon Cannon

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Posts posted by Jon Cannon

  1. In your RoR Folder, you should have a file called servergui; Run this as Administrator; Press Get Public IP, and set whatever you want the port to be; Should stay in 12000's (12000 to 12999). DO NOT touch Admin UID, or password, they are bugged, and never have been fixed; Now all you do is join with your IP and port, giving the same IP and port to other people who want to join; If you can't join with your own ip, then go to  http://whatismyip.info/ , and fill in the IP part with your hostname, in the config.

  2. Like this?


    Oh...Yeah.... I was given those years ago, but the person who gave me them didn't tell me they were Ash's Physics. I was told later on that they were in fact his, and I have been meaning to take this video down.

  3. The same thing Happened to my knuckles after I downloaded Taurus Racer's Original Leafer Pack; Not saying it was the pack that broke it, but as soon as I installed that pack, my knuckles now, on every truck, show up untextured.

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