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Everything posted by monsterjamcod0329

  1. Julio Vellon Jr. juliovellon0329@yahoo.com Monster Energy
  2. Maybe that mostly red max d that came out as a hot wheels toy
  3. File Name: Custom Monster of ROR World Finals Monster Energy File Submitter: monsterjamcod0329 File Submitted: 17 Apr 2013 File Category: V4 Customs Here is what I'm gonna run in the MROR World Finals this weekend. Thanks to Chris, Blair, and Aaron for helping me clone the truck after it failed a few times. Credit: Modified Monster Energy Paint: Me Everything else: V4 Pack Makers Click here to download this file
  4. 362 downloads

    Here is what I'm gonna run in the MROR World Finals this weekend. Thanks to Chris, Blair, and Aaron for helping me clone the truck after it failed a few times. Credit: Modified Monster Energy Paint: Me Everything else: V4 Pack Makers
  5. People that do stuff like just really piss me the hell off. My condolences go out to all that were affected.
  6. Just might be the best so cal style track that ive ever seen.
  7. Being that there are too many verts and faces on the face, why not make a 2d version with just a paint of the face on the side.
  8. Wont be able to make being that its kinda late for me to run in an event on a school night, put Devin into the bracket.
  9. File Name: V4 Bodyless Truck Pack File Submitter: monsterjamcod0329 File Submitted: 29 Mar 2013 File Category: V4 Replica So here is something that was easy to do but took some time to do because there are about 180 trucks. Hope you guys have fun with these. Everything in this pack is made by the original V4 pack makers, all I did was copy the truck files, rename them and delete 1 line in the truck for 180 trucks. Big thanks to Devin Doss for that logo you see to the top right. If there is any truck that is messed up, please tell me and I will make a note and make an update to this pack. Might even make a add-on and custom bodyless pack if you guys would like. Once again enjoy! Click here to download this file
  10. Well, ive made a bodyless pack of all the v4 pack trucks, but has yet to be approved by one of the admins
  11. Something big is coming to MROR in MAY 2013
  12. delete 1 line in the truck file for 180 trucks.*
  13. 1,025 downloads

    So here is something that was easy to do but took some time to do because there are about 180 trucks. Hope you guys have fun with these. Everything in this pack is made by the original V4 pack makers, all I did was copy the truck files, rename them and delete 1 line in the truck for 180 trucks. Big thanks to Devin Doss for that logo you see to the top right. If there is any truck that is messed up, please tell me and I will make a note and make an update to this pack. Might even make a add-on and custom bodyless pack if you guys would like. Once again enjoy!
  14. I got hit with some dirt in vegas and i was in the first row.
  15. So as we know, what Tom did during the encore was amazing, but it was a successful double backflip. I believe Tom won't stop until he gets it perfect. What do you guys think. This is what I think: The stunt truck needs to be a rear engine truck. The reason is to make the rear rotate as fast as possible. Take a half filled water bottle as an example, turn the bottle upside down and try to flip it from the bottom of the bottle, now put it right side up and try to flip it from the cap, more rotation and faster, same concept needs to be thought with the stunt truck.
  16. Here is another realistic event with Blair, Mason, Aaron, and Devin
  17. Monster Jam will be livestreaming 3 hours of the pit party on Livestream. Now only if they would livestream the actual show. All they would have to do is connect the stadium audio and the big screen to be what is shown on the livestream. Pretty much priceless to Feld.
  18. I honestly dont care what the track looks like, all i care about is the driver using the track right and giving us the best runs in WF history.
  19. I have a fear of heights, but only when there is nothing secure around me. So i can stand on top of the empire state building here in new york, but i got really nervous when i had to walk across a piece of wood that was 40 feet in the air but only a foot wide on a school trip.
  20. Construction has officially begun is vegas, its finally that time of the year boys.
  21. Max D juliovellon0329@yahoo.com Julio Vellon Jr.
  22. So I will just set this here, needs alot of work imo. Person who guesses the track right gets not a damn thing.
  23. The ticket are not being sold separately. You have to but both shows together for 80 bucks. It is said on monster jam's website.
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