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Casey Graves

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Everything posted by Casey Graves

  1. Well it wasnt on the 05 and thats what we wanted in the pack since the other SIR trucks were on it
  2. Unfortunately no, but it is better off because with the new parts the trucks get better fps in general and look alot better.
  3. Shock Therapy got the new body, probably gonna make the red one tonight along with a few other trucks
  4. Each truck will have the tire tread they use in real life
  5. I made the base for the tire, rkm tweaked it to get the color better
  6. he has already been banned so ignore anything he said
  7. The guy who made it is banned from this site for breaking site rules, but I have dealt with this imposter, thanks for the heads up. If you see anymore get their email or username and i will take care of them
  8. Yea those are gonna be some beasts to drive
  9. What time is qual gonna be closed dig, i might need a little extra time i gotta go take care of some stuff here before the race
  10. Looks great pc, only thing i would change is the grill decal to the one of air force, i just dont think they would use the one off decal from mohawk warrior
  11. Central New Yorkers had a good day, Regan Smith won and Paul Wolfe the crew chief for the 2 car got 3rd
  12. The only reason AME didnt turn out well is because of the massive amount of noobs who signed up and just spammed the chat with crap and didnt listen, if done right I'm sure that a "large" event could be a great success
  13. You shouldnt be rolling over early anyways, just need to learn to pace yourself and what works and what doesnt
  14. Fun race, just didnt quite have enough for the win, glad i helped roach get it tho, on to the rc next week, fun.
  15. Casey Graves


    I should have a video posted when i get back from class, already recorded it cuz i was bored, just gotta put some music in and upload it
  16. Casey Graves


    Fun race, ran 2nd or 3rd the whole race basically but had a chance, o well least we had a good finish
  17. Casey Graves


    Might be a couple mins late, gonna try squeezing in a race on iracing before
  18. If you dont like the stream chat then dont look at it, but we will look into monitoring it in some way. Its just lets everyone see whats going on instead of looking at an aim chat
  19. Casey Graves


    That might be better
  20. http://www.facebook.com/95XRocks?ref=ts&sk=wall#!/video/video.php?v=144572088946534&oid=172668102772918&comments
  21. Casey Graves


    Not sure as to if i could make it tomorrow or not, if all else fails just have someone come into the server with my car and name so i can join after the race starts if im not home it all depends on when i get out of work
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